Chapt. 16

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Taylor Chapter

Taylor takes a small breath as she stands at the blue door in front of her. She's hasn't been here in a few days and when she last was she was asked to leave. The sun shines brightly against her back and causes her to squint her eyes. Her hands fall clammy as she finally reaches up and knocks on the door weakly.

A single breath is held tightly in her chest. She hears tussling around from the other side, before it's finally opened. There she now stands, face to face with the one person she's really been avoiding lately.


"Hey, come in." Dianna says softly, Taylor hesitates for a mere second before exhaling and offering a small smile as she stepped inside. "Kind of cooler this morning." Dianna remarks from behind her as Taylor stands in the living room while she shuts the door. She doesn't respond until Dianna is once again in view.

"Mhm, pretty cold." Taylor remarks uneasily and mentally slaps herself for sounding so stupid, especially when Dianna offers an obvious smirk.

"Want some lemonade?" Dianna offers with her back turned as she heads into the kitchen. Taylor completely freezes and hesitates. Her mouth is dry and she feels completely weak. She didn't want to say no and rude but she also doesn't want to say yes, she truthfully has no intention of staying any longer than she absolutely has to.

"Uh I'm sure it's great but, no thank you." Taylor somehow musters to say as she figures out her body can indeed move and she makes her way into the kitchen. Fortunately Dianna only shrugs and offers a smile.

Something inside Taylor drops with guilt. Looking at Dianna's smile has her mind twirling and spinning. She knows this will be the hardest day she's going to have all week and she also knows that some part of her cares about the interesting girl standing in front of her, but it's that smile. That's the thing that started it all..


The blonde lawyer groans as she quickly moved around her office to file papers. Her new intern is ok lunch and Taylor's simply used to doing this stuff on her own.

However her mind is elsewhere. Karlie is probably at home drooling as she sleeps heavily in the bedroom. Taylor was pissed when Dan called her and said Karlie was wasted. Of course he had no idea of her issues, he just thought it was cool seeing his boss "let loose."

So there she was, 5:30am and picking up Karlie from her own bar. Practically carrying her to the car and into their tiny problematic apartment. Making Karlie throw up so she wouldn't be too hung over and then again, practically carrying her to bed. Throwing the other blondes hair into a pony tail, changing her clothes and tucking her in. Even grabbing water and aspirin for when she finally does wake up.

Yet before she knows it she can't even rest herself. Because now it's time to go slave away at her firm, another place where she yet again takes care of seemingly everyone in the world except for herself.

A soft hand places itself onto Taylor's shoulder, causing her to startle out of her mornings thoughts. When she turns around quickly, her new intern Dianna is standing there. Looking completely concerned and yet, she's smiling.

"Sorry Ms. Swift I didn't mean to frighten you." She offers softly, still holding that genuine and kind smile.

Taylor gazes at it for a moment before snapping out of some weird daydream. "O-oh no please. Call me Taylor."

"Only if you call me Dianna." The intern retorts, and Taylor swears that the playful smirk and light hearted tone from this girl was some kind of flirting. And she knew immediately that it was wrong, but why did it feel kind of nice?

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