Chapt. 7

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"I need two cappuccinos like that actually."

Karlie is standing at a smaller Starbucks in town and ordering drinks as she waits for Taylor to arrive. She's nervous as she usually is when talking to or seeing Taylor but that wasn't her only feeling.

She's beyond excited.

All weekend since seeing each other Taylor and Karlie have been texting very frequently. Her ex had offered a coffee meet up, one Karlie couldn't refuse and wanted to happen immediately. Taylor suggested they do it on Monday and Karlie accepted.

Now here she is waiting for their drinks at a cafe they used to go to together. She planned on waiting for Taylor to order herself but she's dying for coffee since she had a late night at the bar and she knew Taylor's order anyway. She just hoped it didn't change.

Peering out to the street her heart jumps. Taylor's familiar BMW parks in from of the coffee shop. Karlie instantly holds her breath when she sees an effortlessly beautiful girl step out of the drivers seat and head inside.

Be careful Karlie, you can't get excited. She isn't yours anymore. Karlie says to herself as an internal mental note. And right as Taylor walks through the doors and gives Karlie the biggest smile, their coffees are done.

"Hey!" Taylor says happily as she meets Karlie at a table she picked out. She waits as the slightly younger girl sets down their drinks before giving her a hug.

"Hey yourself." Karlie giggles as she holds Taylor tightly for their bread moment. "I hope you don't mind that I ordered for you."

Taylor smiles and sips her drink, it's perfect. Karlie always knew just how she liked her coffee. "Not one bit, it's perfect. Thank you."

"Not a problem." Karlie laughs as she sits to join her.. Ex? Her friend?

"I just wanted to say first off that I'm beyond glad you agreed to coffee. And that we've been texting. I've honestly missed you being in my life. It's refreshing to have you around."

Karlie is taken back. Her heart beats hard at Taylor's words and she has to remind herself that they don't mean what they had sounded like. Taylor is with someone. Wait, she is with someone right?

"It's nice to be around." Karlie says neutrally and takes a sip of her coffee. "Okay, I just want to get some stuff out of the way.."

Taylor sighs. If she thought she was going to be able to be friends with Karlie without the Dianna questions and cutting of loose ties, she knew she was wrong. Yet she also agreed that she needs to give Karlie that closure.

"Okay, ask me anything." Taylor states as she now pulls all of her attention on Karlie.

"Maybe I shouldn't be asking but I need to know. I need to know the things to properly move forward with you. And just so you know before we do this that you're entitled to ask me anything also." Karlie's voice is strong, as if she's been rehearsing this and it's something Taylor finds cute. Cute but also very mature.

"Let's do this. And thank you. How about we make it simple, you ask and I answer, then I ask and you answer. Sound fair?" Taylor suggests and Karlie nods in agreement. "Okay, go ahead."

Karlie sighs slightly and begins fumbling with her cup. Her eyes are taken off Taylor. "It was Dianna, wasn't it?"

Taylor inhales sharply. She should've expected that but maybe not for Karlie's first question. Plus she could tell for sure now that Karlie had known the whole time. She sets this one over, she knows she needs to tell her the right way and do everything possible to explain to Karlie without hurting her. Which is when Taylor makes the rash and maybe natural decision to take a hold of one of Karlie's hands, it caught her attention easily and their eyes connected once more.

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