Chapt. 5

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A seventeen year old Taylor sat at a long dining table in her family's side room. She groaned as she peered around her. Although she loved being with family and attending family parties, she missed her girlfriend.

"Taylor honey, come eat." Andrea said smiling as she gestured for Taylor to stand and follow her. They fell into line together, awaiting to make their own plates. "What's wrong sweetie?"

Taylor shrugged, "just miss Karlie. Why can't she be here again?"

Andrea frowned a bit. "Taylor, we've talked about this. I know you two are together and we are more than happy for you. It's just not time to bring Karlie around extended family."

"It's been a year mom."

Andrea studied Taylor over. She was slightly hunched and robotically grabbing her food with no emotion. It made the older woman a bit sad. She knew how much Taylor wanted her girlfriend here. Andrea decides not to say anything more but to offer a side hug to her daughter.

"She's family too mom." Taylor adds. Finally she looks up to meet her mothers eyes. Just as Andrea thought, filled with sadness.

"I know honey. Can we just eat and maybe talk about this later?" Andrea offers and Taylor slightly nods.

They eat together with the family. Cousins and distant relatives gossiping and running about. Taylor loved these parties. They were the only time to get the entire family around. But she couldn't help but feel empty. She missed Karlie and wanted her here.

Soon she sat there starring at an empty plate. Fumbling with her fingers and silently sitting in a loud room.

"I've never heard silence quite this loud." She mumbles to herself.

"Quit being lyrical." A huff comes from beside her and startles her from her thoughts. Her brother Austin was now sitting next to her, stuffing his face with another plate.

Taylor rolled her eyes, although she was so happy to have her brother suddenly next to her. As sarcastic as he was, he made light of any situation. "Shut up." Taylor laughs as she shoves him.

There's a long pause before Austin speaks again. "You and Karlie, it's pretty serious huh?"

Taylor shrugs but can't hold a smile from her face. Karlie was her best friend turned lover. It was a match made perfectly. They had met a few years ago and clicked instantly, but it was always more than just friends. They were too young to know back then.

Yet a year ago Taylor mustered up any courage she had. One night at a high school football game she had told Karlie how she felt. She was terrified but then Karlie stayed over that night. They talked about everything and it was apparent that Karlie felt the same.

They've been more inseparable since.

"I know you maybe don't understand or expect it. I didn't either but, she's so important to me. I don't know how I got her or why but Austin, she's my forever. Like I see us getting through anything and just growing old together." Taylor says gushing over her gorgeous girlfriend. "So I guess to answer your question- yes." Taylor adds proudly.

Austin is now silent next to her, something that actually makes Taylor nervous. She didn't expect him to be taken back by her relationship yet if he is, she'd give him all the time and space to react as needed. Finally he speaks.

"That's disgustingly cute." He mumbles and Taylor laughs. "Have you been like, blowing up her phone all night?" He adds as he looks down to the obvious new text on Taylor's phone. She turns beat red.

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