Chapt. 4

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Taylor Chapter.

It's been a few months since Karlie and Taylor split up. Nothing too eventful has happened, and Taylor hasn't heard from nor seen Karlie since that mistaken night at her bar.

Reluctantly, because Taylor couldn't find a decent apartment, she just moved in with Dianna. At first it maybe felt too soon, but their affair started six months before the breakup and has continued since. It's about nine months together now.

Taylor feels horrible that she hasn't even seen nor heard from Karlie. The more time that passes, it was almost like an ache within her. She couldn't though, because not only will that hurt Karlie, but it'll hurt Dianna.

Now they were on their way to properly meet Taylor's family. She is super nervous. Her heart has been pounding for days leading up to this. Her mother was obviously confused at her breakup, they all love Karlie deeply. Yet not only are they broken up, but Taylor's seeing someone new.

Days earlier:

"So you're bringing this girl here?"

"She has a name mom, it's Dianna." Taylor says rolling her eyes.

"I'm sorry honey, it's just.. New." Andrea says sadly and Taylor can feel the disappointment leaking through the phone. "You're sure it's over-"

"Yes mom! Karlie and I are done. Accept it okay? I'm with Dianna and I'm, I'm happy. Okay? Can you just be happy for me?!" Taylor shoots back.

There's a pregnant pause before Andrea let's out a sigh. "See you in a few days Taylor."

Dianna and Taylor were driving a little over an hour away to her parents house. Taylor glances at Dianna who happily sits in the passenger seat holding a dish of stew. She's super excited and that washes Taylor's worries away.

Just not the thoughts of Karlie.

Finally they arrive at her parents house and Taylor's sighs heavily. Dianna grabs her girlfriends hand and kisses it with a smile. They get out and walk together into the house.

"Mom? Dad? Austin? We're home!" She yells as she glances around the house. Her parents come around the corner worth Austin following them, texting away at their phone.

"Hello darling." Her parents say as they embrace Taylor.

"You must be Dianna." Andrea says lightly as she goes in for a hug but Dianna rejects it, she sticks out her hand instead. Andrea pauses and glances to Taylor who thinks she just died, but Andrea and Scott shake her hand anyway.

"Whoa, you're not Karlie." Austin says now finally looking up from his phone. Taylor punches his arm hard.

"Austin!" She yells.

"What?! I'm just saying." He shakes Dianna's hand and mumbles an apology then walks away mumbling.

"It's just weird it's not Karlie."

Taylor's face is now 50 shades of embarrassment as her and Dianna now stand alone in her family den. She's so embarrassed and conflicted that she can't bring herself to even look at Dianna.

"Taylor, Dianna. Dinner!" Andrea yells from the kitchen.

The older girl shifts awkwardly and Dianna musters an annoyed laugh. "Well this will be fun." She says as she moves past Taylor and into the dining room.

Taylor stands still awkwardly and instantly checks her pulse to make sure she isn't dead. She feels pretty slayed already. She allows herself a moment to collect before she trudges off to join her family and new girlfriend at probably one of the most awkward dinners she'll ever have.

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