Chapt. 12

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*Authors note: if you play the music I add, I wouldn't suggest playing it until after the first section. :)*

The sound of silence rings perfectly as Karlie lounged on the couch studying the blueprints for her future bar. She circles a specific area and makes a quick change. "I think I'd rather extend this.."

Suddenly Taylor is in the room and jumps on top of her younger girlfriend. Smiling like a complete fool and begins to tickle Karlie.

"Taylor! Taylor Alison!" Karlie yells breathlessly, squirming frantically underneath her girlfriend in hopes to break free.

"Karlie! Karlie Elizabeth!" Taylor mocks as she giggles, finally she stops and sits straight, still straddling the younger girl. "You were talking to yourself, whatcha doin?" Taylor hums as she leans forward to look at Karlie's papers, very much avoiding the death glare she was receiving.

Karlie pushes at Taylor playfully but easily gives up her fake glares and smiles. "I just got the first blueprints for my bar. So I'm not talking to myself dork, I'm taking notes." Karlie laughs as she seemingly gets lost in Taylor's shining blue eyes.

"If I'm a dork, you're a nerd."

"Yes, but I'm your nerd." Karlie retorts but laughs at her own response. "God that was cheesy, what do you want?"

Taylor giggles once more and fully lays on top of her girlfriend. Smiling harder once she feels Karlie's heart beat faster and arms wrap limply around her. "Oh nothing, it's just a Friday night and the day we both finally finished college. Not to mention we're young and not getting any younger-"

Karlie interrupts , "Okay stop making me feel old. Get to the point princess." She laughs, still mindlessly rubbing Taylor's back.

Taylor adjusts herself and folds her arms over Karlie's chest and rests her head so she can look into Karlie's emerald eyes. Both girls are beaming at one another. "Fine, your sister just emailed me and she's having a party at your family's campgrounds tonight."

"My sisters having a party? Kristine? Why didn't I get this email?" Karlie questions, taking Taylor's phone to read the email her sister sent. "Oh my god, she knew I'd say no. And mom and dad would be so pissed if they knew." She adds as she skims through the email.

Taylor grabs the phone and puts it away, bringing their attention back to each other. She knows Karlie doesn't like partying, she really doesn't either. But they've both worked their asses off slaving over school. Today was her first day back from YALE, she wants to let loose. And she wants to do so with Karlie by her side. Early admission and early graduation at an Ivy League school deserves a party.

"Stop worrying about that, who cares. You and I have been working our asses of at school Kar. I have way too much lawyer brain. I need to let loose. Neither of us partied, why can't we go to your sisters party?! Please please please!" Taylor begs as she makes lame pouting faces at her girlfriend.

Karlie watches her girlfriend as she rants and begs to go to this stupid party. She won't admit to Taylor that she'd actually love to go, that's far too easy. So she lets Taylor rant and beg a little longer before finally giving in and saying yes. Smiling wide when Taylor freaks out and practically squishes Karlie in a hug before jumping up and beginning to text. "Oh my god Kristine is going to freak out when she reads this! I'm so excited." Taylor exclaims as she finishes the message. Karlie rises from the couch and stretching before rolling the blueprints back up.

"We need to get changed and hurry up. It's a twenty minute drive and it's already 9:55pm. So get your cute butt moving Kloss." Taylor instructs as she pushes her girlfriend towards the bedroom.

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