Chapt. 6

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Karlie flips her thick flowing hair back as she raises her head to meet her own gaze in the mirror. She smirks at what she sees. Her emerald eyes are shining hard, sparked with mystery and interest. Which she commends to her new brunette locks.

Of course they're not new, it's her natural color but she's been blonde for about seven years now and the change felt right. Everything else was changing in her life so why not this?

She glances at her phone, it's 8:30am and she exhales a breath she didn't realize she was holding. Taylor would be here in a half hour. Just as she makes that realization a soft knock comes at the already opened bathroom door.

"Hey Kar-holy damn. That came out fucking hot." Kendall states bluntly as she stares openly at Karlie. The slightly older girl smirks and returns to fixing some make up.

"I'm glad you like it."

"I actually love it. And I'd love to look longer but I have to go, Taylor will be here soon so.." Kendall states and Karlie notices her trailing off and the sadness in her voice.

Quick to respond she moves towards Kendall and kisses her cheek fast. The younger girl smiles and Karlie suddenly realized something important. "Fuck." She mumbles as she reaches for the phone.

"What's up?" Kendall asks curiously as she steps into the large living room for her coat.

"I totally never told Taylor I moved! So now I have to text her the address and that'll be one more thing we're going to have to address! Fuck, I just wanted this to be quick! Like ripping off a bandaid."

Karlie quickly texts Taylor her new address and doesn't add anything else. She doesn't want to have to explain this over text. She truthfully didn't even want Taylor at her new apartment. That was the whole point. To not have a place Taylor has touched.

She glances back to Kendall who is watching her intensely. They've been spending all their free time together that Karlie actually feels weird that Kendall would be leaving for today.

"Kenny, you're the one starring now." Karlie says sheepishly. She catches Kendall looking at her often, something she used to always experience with Taylor but it faded a long time ago.

"How could I not?" Kendall says carefully. She smiles playfully and just has every desire to be touching Karlie right now, the older girl can see that all over Kendall's face.

But can Kendall see that Karlie feels the exact same way?

Slowly Kendall makes her way to Karlie, entwining their fingers together and lightly swinging their hands. Kendall is smiling and her look is passionate. It takes everything in Karlie not to kiss Kendall right here and right now, her front door is unlocked and time is ticking.

Ticking until Taylor will arrive.

"I really love your hair." Kendall whispers smiling and leaning further towards Karlie. "Do you think Taylor will like it?" She questions and Karlie smirks, lightly pulling away and walking towards the kitchen.

"Kendall Nicole, are you jealous?"

Kendall rolls her eyes and moves to join Karlie, "don't be dumb Kloss."

Karlie smiles and hands Kendall a hot travel cup. "Tea for the road."

"Only you could send a decent looking girl off with some tea." Kendall says laughing as she takes it and begins to close the distance between her and Karlie.

Easily their lips collide. It's soft and slow, the perfect kind of early morning kiss that Karlie's been missing for a while. She smiles into it before losing her train of thought and deepening the kiss.

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