Chapt. 32

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Karlie chapter, 24 hours later..

A soft breeze echoes into Karlie's apartment as the bar owner continues to go over some paperwork.

She sighs heavily, not being able to sleep all night makes for a very early morning. As Karlie glances at the clock to see it isn't even eight yet, she groans harder.

Taylor left to go to her own place for last night and today, tomorrow is her big meeting as well. When Karlie pieced together that maybe Dianna has turned her in, Taylor completely internally lost it. Neither of them both thought something like this would ever happen.

Finally after all this time, the girls were coming together again. Time has been wasted far too long as they've been apart. Like a huge void inside that neither of them could seemingly forget. It ached and ached all this time, until recently. When Taylor began finding her way back.

And now Karlie sits exhausted and indifferent in her living room, wondering what the hell is even going on.

But more than anything, she's aching for something else.

Her eyes must've darted to the fridge a million times already this morning. She's almost positive that there could very well be some form of alcohol somehow leftover in the fridge. I mean Taylor may not have cleaned out everything right? Maybe there's something in there that can take the edge off her nerves.

Karlie stop. She thinks internally as she grips the arm of the couch in a rough manor. You can't do this, you won't do this. If you found something in that fridge and you ended up drinking it, Taylor would loose her mind. Haven't you already put her through enough? Her thoughts ring in a violent manor as she does everything possibly to shake the rambling from her brain, yet it's no use.

So she does the only thing she can do, picks up the phone.

Karlie shifts uncomfortably as she listens to every daunting ring that passes between her ear and the phone. She begins biting her nails and begins to wonder what will happen if no one answers.

I thought I'd be okay for a few hours and I'm not. I can't be here alone.

Just when it feels like her mind will win, a familiar voice answers the phone.

"Karlie?" Kendall asks in a husky sleep voice. Karlie smiles at the familiarity but cringes when she remembers she's waking Kendall up.

"Remember how you're on babysitting duty?"

"Yes, and I know for a fact I'm not late so don't be trying to play a game." Kendall mumbles.

For no apparent reason, heavy tears begin to first prick at but quickly fall down Karlie's face. She tries everything she can to quickly stop the noise or the crying in general. But it's no use, Kendall hears the sounds and soon Karlie hears background movement.

"Kenny, I-I can't be here alone." She stutters openly into the phone.

"Don't move, I'm in the car and I'm on my way." Kendall explains calmly before hanging up and more than likely already peeling down the road towards Karlie's apartment.

Karlie sets down the phone, her hands are trembling and her eyes filling with water. She wipes them away quickly and finds a photo on the wall. It's actually a selfie of her and Kendall on one of their many outings together. She steadies herself and stares at the photo on the wall, counting to ten numerous times in a row until she's finally calmed down.

The setting is familiar. It's so familiar to the girl that it actually hurts her. Why was she allowing herself to live this way? She's always been so smart, how could she suddenly be so dumb and fall into the state of alcoholism.

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