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Authors note: *mild domestic violence trigger warning.*

The BMW pulls into the dark parking lot only lit by street lights. Although it's past midnight and nearly one in the morning, it's warm and the night around her is calm, regardless.

Taylor sighs heavily. She turns off the engine and stares at the seemingly dark apartment she knows she'll be standing in within minutes. She has no idea what she's about to walk into, but she knows she has to keep herself together.

She tosses around her long straightened hair nervously, and pushes her glasses up the bridge or her nose. She pulls down at the black crop top sweater she's wearing and readjusts the pink and black leggings she also has on. Her nerves were making her shake relentlessly, despite the weather.

Finally she takes a deep breath, and exits her car. She hits the lock quickly as she peers around the fairly empty night. Thankful Karlie had given her a spare key last month. She probably wouldn't be able to get in without it.

Taylor folds her arms across her chest and releases a huge breath she didn't realize she was holding. Slowly she wills her feet to move and begins approaching the apartment. Almost instantly, she notices a smashed iPhone on the ground. She picks it up carefully and hits the home button, still seeing a photo of her and Karlie despite the trashed and broken screen.

It's them standing in the Swift family kitchen. Well, Karlie's standing and Taylor was sitting on a stool. The blonde recalls how irritated she'd been with Karlie that day. Her girlfriend was being a complete dork and Taylor was nervous about telling her parents she had went against their wishes and opened her law firm early. Karlie was doing everything possible to make Taylor laugh and smile, which she knows the younger girl was only trying to sooth her nerves.

But she needed Karlie to be serious.

And about halfway through their evening, while Taylor was explaining some of the business details to her mother, Karlie practically jumped her. Her long arms wrapped happily around the older blonde and she wore a big smile. Taylor instinctively hugged back but was caught mid scolding of her brother who took the photo and Karlie for jumping her mid conversation.

And standing on this empty sidewalk in the dead of night, made her realize that those memories were the ones that matter

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And standing on this empty sidewalk in the dead of night, made her realize that those memories were the ones that matter. Their memories of love, and not their disasters.

Taylor shakes off the past, remembering that this is now. She takes out her phone and decides to call Kendall. It rings for a moment and Taylor actually feels bad when Kendall's broken sob answers.

"T-Taylor?" She cries lightly, her voice breaking.

"Yeah, it's me. Hey listen I'm here at Karlies place and I haven't gone in yet, but I did find her iPhone." Taylor comments as she carefully examines the broken cell.

Kendall sobs a little more, "is it okay or broken?"

"The second one." Taylor responds mindlessly, "It's broken, just like the rest of us." She adds accidentally. She isn't even aware of why she said that or where the thought had even come from. But it was too late to take that part back.

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