Chapt. 33

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Taylor chapter, 24 hours later

Taylor slips on the jacket of her most expensive business suit and begins to do up the buttons. The day is early but the nerves in her stomach are rapid and hasn't left her for days.

Once she finishes buttoning the jacket despite her shaking fingers, she turns to get a glance of herself in her mirror.

She's had this suit for a long time, it's nothing she wears regularly however. She bought it a few years ago and not only is it a designer suit but it was hand tailored for the lawyer. The sleek, fitted black slacks make her look not only professional but actually shows her young age. And the fitted black jacket is the same way.

Today she chose the "Johnny Cash" way of things, by choosing a black blouse to go under the suit jacket, and then scrambled to find the Louis Vuitton heels she saves for occasions like this as well. Finally, she's ready and looking the best she has in a long time.

"Can you stop worrying, you look fit Taylor." Kendall remarks as she turns her friend back around to face her and touches up on some of her makeup. "You also can't even see that nasty bruise. Thanks to your really awesome makeup artist." She jokes as she finishes the final touches.

Taylor feels like she's been holding her breath for days. She can't believe the craziness of what's going to be happening today. Although she's unsure of what this meeting is about, she can't help but cling on to what Karlie pieced together the other day.

Nonetheless, she pushes it aside. Whatever is happening to her today is happening for a reason, and all Taylor knows is that she will take it professionally, because she deserves it.

"Thanks Kendall. How does my hair look?" She asks uneasily as she watches Kendall for a reaction.

This morning she struggled with her long hair tremendously and became fed up with it by the fifth time trying to style it. So she very frustratedly threw it up in a loose bun, and somehow it looked perfectly imperfect.

"I actually like the whole messy bun thing on you, let me just..." Kendall trails off as she reaches up and pulls down some hair on both sides of Taylor's face. "Yes! I knew that would look good, especially with your bang situation. I think you're good to go." Kendall remarks as she then follows Taylor into the kitchen to retrieve her stuff.

Taylor hurries into the kitchen and goes to take a sip of her coffee but Kendall is quick and takes it out of her hand.

"I need coffee." She groans yet accepts her easy defeat and assembles some paperwork into her brief case.

Kendall laughs hard and slides her over some coconut water, earning a disapproving look but the lawyer takes the drink anyway.

"Coffee stains." Kendall says as if she's responding to Taylor's silent words. She watches carefully as her boss tries to put herself together but it isn't looking very good. The normal banter and dry humor Taylor has isn't existent. And she was so pale this morning that Kendall was glad she brought her deeper shade of foundation, Taylor looked as empty as a ghost.

"Don't be nervous.." Kendall tries, wanting to encourage and uplift her but it doesn't help.

Taylor pauses, glancing around the apartment before just wearily shaking her head. "I'm not nervous, I'm fine." She mumbles as she finally clips the case and applies some neutral perfume.

"See, Karlie told me you would say that and to not listen. It's okay to not be okay. Just remember that although it's a huge possibility that Dianna turned you in, doesn't mean it even happened or that this is where it all ends either."

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