Chapt. 26

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Taylor's foot taps rapidly as she stands lightly to pace in front of the restaurants booth.

She was able to call ahead of time and request that they were given private seating, she wanted this to be a good meeting without distractions of others around them. The restaurant was light and business casual, she and Karlie had always thought about going sometime for lunch but they were never able to.

A sigh of relief floods over her as she sees Karlie's Mercedes pull up along the curb. She straightens her black mini dress, that has white accents along the collar and short sleeves. This morning was rough as she tried to decide what to wear. She wanted casual, just not too casual. Except she accidentally paired the dress with short black heels and now she might be attending a high end funeral. As Karlie enters, Taylor's heart flutters. Yet she notices that her friends behavior is completely off.

Karlie bares a distracted look, as she enters quickly and gives a brief response to the hostess up front. Her demeanor is tense and she's texting away frantically. The sight of her like this as she takes a few long strides to where Taylor is makes the blonde even more nervous.

"Hey sunshine." Taylor greets happily despite her emotions, as Karlie reaches their booth. A slight relief floods her when Karlie's green eyes shine into her blue ones. Taylor's hand softly grasps Karlie's elbow as they lean in for a quick peck.

"Hey yourself." She responds quickly and immediately returns to her phone. In seconds she's finished a text and dramatically tossed aside her grey purse into the booth. When she realizes Taylor is watching her she gives her a reassuring but small smile. "Long day at Hysteria."

A cautious look comes over Taylor's face as she hesitates to sit because Karlie is still standing. "Everything okay?" She asks with a concerned voice.

Karlie nods, lightly touching Taylor's arm to gesture her to sit. "Yeah I've just had a lot of people apply for Kendall's position. Five interviews already this morning, five. I'll be right back I need to use the restroom, Kendall is running late." She states, rushing the last part before heading towards the bathrooms.

Taylor smiles, knowing Karlie is only stressed with her work situation. She plays with the glass of lemon water in front of her as she awaits either girls arrival. Her mind was in twirls of thought.

Technically, Taylor met Kendall months back. But they never actually spoke, Taylor just awkwardly walked in on her and Karlie kissing. Which was absolutely fine, she understood that they had a little fling but Karlie has reassured her that it is over.

And Taylor's almost positive it never got physical. Right? I don't want to assume that but I don't think Karlie is the type to give herself to someone like that. I mean, she was always hesitant even with me. I'm being dumb I know her and Kendall haven't had sex. The lawyer remarks internally and she jumps slightly when she feels lips pressed to her cheek from the side of her.

"You look beautiful today, by the way." Karlie whispers smoothly as she kisses Taylor's cheek again and then slides into the booth with her.

"You startled me."

"I like to be predominat when I'm having the element of surprise." Karlie states in a matter of fact tone with a sly look across her defined face.

"When the hell did you start saying predominat?" Taylor giggles, knowing full and well that she's the one who usually uses an extensive vocabulary.

"Excuse me?" Karlie says in a dramatic tone as she whips her head to give Taylor an offended look. "I'm Karlie freaking Kloss, I use extensive words too."

Taylor rolls her eyes and checks her phone while mumbling, "Right, says the girl who says 'important' differently."

The brunette shoves Taylor slightly and their banter continues back and forth for a few minutes until Karlie's phone pings.

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