Chapt. 34

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11:32pm, that same night.

*knock, knock, knock.*

A downpour of rain drenches the town, as Taylor stands nervously outside of Karlie's front door.

By the time she went from her car to the front door she got completely drenched. Her hair presses heavily against her head, her clothes already a deep, darker shade of their original color. She takes a hand and tries to wipe the stream of water from her face but it's no use, she just needs Karlie to come to the door. Considering, she forgot the spare key.

Kendall left about an hour ago. She took a late flight once she face timed Taylor and got filled in about what happened today. Taylor had thought that Kendall's demeanor changed when she told her friend that she would be leaving, but dismissed that thought right away as irrational.

All afternoon Taylor sat in her office and researched the case for hours and hours on end. She has the folder already memorized word for word and even did some personal research on her new client. Taylor hasn't even met him yet and she already knows all about him.

However, she also spent the afternoon trying to figure out what she's going to say to Karlie. It's clear to her that this is the worst timing ever to be leaving, especially for a long period of time. Her heart has been heavy and full of guilt. She admittedly even cried a bit. She loves Karlie, she's always loved Karlie. But the reality of their situations is that maybe they'll need to take this time apart to continue bettering themselves so they can be the best for each other.

The more Taylor thinks of leaving her however, the more she feels sick. This is the biggest moment of her career, it's going to do incredible things for them. Taylor just keeps reminding herself that this was all meant to be. That all the bad stuff has happened so that the good could start rolling in.

And so as she stands there, drenched in the rain and waiting for Karlie to open the damn door, she tries staying positive. She pep talks herself and keeps the constant reassurance that this is going to be good.

Just when Taylor thinks Karlie is sleeping or isn't even home, she hears rustling come from the far side of the house. Her spirits immediately perk up. For some reason the thought of being face to face with Karlie right now makes her excited. She imagines the glow of Karlie's green eyes, the definition of her flawless face, the goofiness of her incredible laugh and the warmth she always radiates.

And then, when she hears the grip of the door knob on the other side, something in her changes. She can't just tell Karlie right now and let that be it, no way. She loves Karlie, she's been wanting just a drama free night, just the two of them. Everything's been so crazy and hectic that she's forgotten how much she needs Karlie.

So as the door opens, all in some sort of slow motion, Taylor's intentions change. A daze of love falls over her. And so when the door finally opens and Karlie is standing there, wet hair and a long tee shirt covering her body, Taylor can't help herself. As a confused Karlie goes to open her mouth, Taylor lunges forward into the house. Taking Karlie's face in her hands, she kisses her.

It's tender. The kiss is perfectly placed and returned from the brunette. Taylor decides almost immediately that it isn't enough though. She turns, walking backwards further into the house but not separating their lips. Karlie is quick to react, kicking the front door shut last minute with her heel and following Taylor's lead.

The apartment is quiet. The only light on is an overhead light in the kitchen. Taylor's hands find the hem of Karlie's long shirt, she hikes it up a bit, feeling up Karlie's body slowly with the tips of her fingers, only to realize Karlie was just wearing underwear under the shirt.

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