Chapt. 15

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Sunlight drenches the vanilla scented room from outside the large opened window in an unfamiliar bedroom. Karlie squints her eyes and stretches, only to feel someone move beside her and cuddle completely into her.

Turning her head she's met with bright blue eyes, beaming at her more brighter than the sunlight of this morning. "Good morning chipmunk. You're eyes, they're really blue." Karlie mumbles sleepily, but lovingly as she turns completely on her side to be level with Taylor. The older girl blushes and sighs heavily into her bedsheets.

"Good morning to you too." She mumbles back and slightly sits up, placing a small kiss onto Karlie's nose and then returning to her spot on the bed.

Karlie watches Taylor intently. She's starring sweetly and knowingly into her favorite pair of eyes. The eyes she's truly only known and even recognizes before her own. They are eyes of love, empowerment, strength, determination, laughter and everything that makes the world seemingly so beautiful. She wishes anyone and everyone could see this part of Taylor. Because they'd fall in love so fast and so hard. Getting up was never an issue, because it's never been an option.

Waking up to Taylor for the past seven
years has hands down always been the best thing Karlie has ever done. Never in a million years will she be able to fathom how the hell she's gotten so lucky. Taylor turns sleepily on her side and faces the window, and Karlie moves up against Taylor's body, filling herself with warmth. A cool breeze rolls in from the opened windows, bringing the outside in. She rests her head gently against Taylor's shoulder, taking in her vanilla scent as she lightly runs her fingertips up and down Taylor's arm. Goosebumps arise along her soft skin and Karlie smiles lightly. She brings her hand to Taylor's back, gently pushing her hand under Taylor's shirt, only to form small designs of nothingness on the older girls back. She feels Taylor begin to slow her breathing once again, knowing easily that this will make her fall asleep. But to her own surprise, Taylor turns around again to face Karlie.

"You should get some sleep. I have to go." Karlie says wearily, not wanting to leave. Especially when Taylor's soft face  contorts to slight confusion, not understanding why Karlie would have to be leaving so early.

"I have to go to the bar, they're working on it." Karlie explains quickly, reading Taylor's mind somehow.

"Oh," she mumbles softly as she closes her eyes and exhales a breath. "That's okay I guess. I'll get up too, I need to unpack." Taylor adds quickly as she begins to get up and out of bed.

Karlie watches as Taylor moves around her room to somehow attempt to find clothes. She smiles, knowing Taylor is also looking for something for Karlie to wear too, since she already let her borrow pajamas from staying last night.

"Is casual okay?" Taylor asks as she holds up an outfit for the younger girl. Karlie slips out of bed, making her side up quickly before approaching the older girl. She takes the clothes, silently looking them over as Taylor watches and waits for approval. Finally Karlie smiles and kisses Taylor's cheek.

"Perfect, thank you." Karlie comments.

"Anytime, now go shower, I'll make coffee." Taylor suggests smoothly and pushes Karlie out of her bedroom playfully.

Karlie laughs, and finally gets moving. She pads her way through the kitchen and heads off into the bathroom. She closes the door behind her, only to open it again to retrieve her purse from Taylor's kitchen and return again. She shifts through the purse and finds her emergency bathroom kit, brushing her teeth and washing her face. She turns the shower head and waits, taking off Taylor's pajamas and slipping in to the warm abyss.

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