Chapter 2

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"I hate this institute, already" Durga whined and slammed her history book on the desk. "Why?" Indu asked looking at her face. "I don't know," she said in a low voice. She opened the book and searched for pictures.

Indu watched her actions in silence. Durga was expecting her dear friend to say something but she didn't. The gossip in the big hall like classroom was getting louder and louder which was irritating Durga.

She had nothing to do but she wanted to do something so that she doesn't start overthinking. Feeling annoyed she started, "So, I see you are the prettiest girl in our batch". 

"Stop joking, Durga. I know what you are trying to say!" Indu smiled and said. "No, I don't lie. You know it well" Durga explained. "Yeah, alright, but there are other girls who are good looking as well, " Indu said. "Yes, but not as pretty as you, you should find yourself a charming lad now otherwise you will have to end up in an arranged marriage" Durga warned with a smile.

"Oh no Durga, I am not interested. I can't handle relationships. Moreover, from your past relationships, I have learned that it's better to stay away from the boys" Indu explained with a serious expression on her pretty face.

Durga curled her brows and watched her friend intently. She remembered the faces of the two stupid men; she had once tried loved. "Okay, your choice" she muttered in a low whisper and went back to searching some pictures in the book! 

After few minutes, Durga looked around the place and saw a fair, handsome boy at Indu. She nudged her who was reading a magazine. "What?" she asked having her eyes fixed on the page that she was reading.

"Look at that guy there, he has been watching you for a long time," Durga said with a creepy smile. Indu looked at the handsome face. Her eyes gazed at the face for a while as if she enjoyed the view. He had a perfect face with silky, black hair. He had facial hair like all the other men in the class. But somehow, he seemed to be something different and more beautiful for Indu. His smile made him more attractive. For a moment their eyes met, but Indu looked away as soon as he caught her staring at him.

A smirk appeared on his face which she noticed from the corner of her eyes. "That's Thomas!" she informed Durga. "He is already booked by other girls. I heard some other girls talking about how handsome he is and all" Indu explained in a disgusted tone.

"So?" Durga asked looking a bit confused. "So, he is going to become a 'ladies man' very soon and I don't have any interest in such kind of guys, at all" she explained. "Possessive, I see" Durga rubbed her chin trying to pretend as if she was thinking deeply.

"Okay then, what about that dark guy from his flock who is wearing the sky-blue shirt?" Durga asked staring at her. "Who? Daniel? He is not my type! But he seems your type. You like dark handsome guys, right?" Indu asked with a grin. "I like tall, handsome, dark guys" Durga corrected. 

"He is" Indu stated with a confused look as she studied the man. "No, he is too muscular for my choice" Durga informed. Indu laughed listening to her. "You must be the first one to have an attraction towards lanky-framed, tall guys, " Indu said as she chuckled.

"No, I do want some muscles on my dream man, not thin a skeleton. But him there, he looks like those 'Body-builder' type" she informed. Indu laughed more hysterically.

Three from that particular men's group walked towards the two ladies who were laughing. "Oh," Durga muttered, trying to stop her laughter as she noticed the men.

"What do you want?" Durga asked rudely staring at the fair guy who was watching Indu. The three men looked at her with disgust. "We have come to befriend you two!" Thomas informed rudely.

"Oh okay, I am Indu and she is Durga" Indu introduced with a smile. Durga waved them a hand at the mention of her name.

"Hello Durga" Daniel winked at her. She rolled her eyes. "I am Vijay" a short dark man with a cheerful attitude, spoke.

"Hi Vijay," Durga said with a smile. She liked the boy Vijay for some reason. "I am Thomas and he is Daniel" Thomas introduced him and his friend in a serious tone as he watched Durga angrily.

"Sweet, nice to meet you guys!" Indu said with a warm smile. "Come sit with us" Durga gestured them to sit. "Thomas, you may sit beside Indu" Durga said. Thomas looked blankly at her as she said the words. She winked at him letting him know that she knew he had a crush on Indu.

It took a while for him to understand her signal. He grinned at Durga when he realized and sat down beside Indu. Daniel sat beside Durga and Vijay sat beside him.

They tried to get to know each other.

"Daniel and I are cousins" Thomas informed. "Oh, that's why you two blokes look so much alike," Durga said with a chuckle. "Yup, my parents are from Kerala, my father is a fish trader, I live here in Daniel's house" Thomas informed. "And I have a very strict father who is in railway; my mother is a social work and a 15-year-old brother named Xavier" Daniel added.

"What about you, Durga?" Daniel asked with a lot of eager.

"I am from a middle-class family, my father works as an accountant. I have an older brother who is married and has two kids. I am no way related to Indu here but she is like my sister" Durga said with a smile proudly.

Indu smiled at her friend. "And you?" Daniel asked the other girl. "I am from a Brahmin family, my real home is in Chennai, but I stay here with my grandparents" she spoke. "Oh, how sweet!" Thomas smiled and said. 

"Your parents?" Dan asked.

"Only my father, he owns a company in Chennai. My mother passed away when I was five. After that, I started living here with my maternal grandparents. No siblings, though!" she said in a lower tone. "Humph, sorry" Thomas said with a sad look as he stared at her face.

"It's okay, Durga's mom is a very sweet lady. She has loved me like her own child from the time I befriended Durga" she added. "How long have you been friends?" Daniel asked. "From standard one," Durga said proudly.

"Wow, that's like a lifetime!" Vijay complimented. "Yes, now it seems like that" Indu said in a low tone. "Why don't you share something about yourself?" Durga asked Vijay as she smiled at him.

"I am not a Tamilian, am from Orissa. My parents are working here. Father is a doctor and Mom is a teacher. I also have a twin sister named Jaya" he said with a smile.

"That's wonderful, is she here?" Indu asked looking around searching for her. "No, she is studying in a medical college in Chennai" he answered. "Oh" Durga muttered as she curled her brows.

Durga and Indu thus befriended those men. They weren't that successful in befriending any other people. Indu though tried to befriend some girls but they didn't seem much interested in her. 

Durga was rather busy with her own stuff. She didn't bother about talking to people. But she did try to get some information about almost everyone in her batch, simply to know them a little but she didn't try getting close to anyone. She felt it was better and safe to have a small circle of friends.

From her past experiences of her school life, she had learned that the lesser the friends the lesser problems in life. "Nowadays, trusting people isn't such an easy task," she thought to herself and sighed as she remembered her school days.

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