Chapter 7

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Durga fell down a height of 7 feet, she closed her eyes in fear but as she reached on to the floor, she felt no pain. 

"Oh wow, I did not get hurt" she whispered with her eyes closed. 

"Yes, because you fell on top of me!" a husky male voice said from below. She opened her eyes slowly, feeling a little dizzy due to the fall. She felt the soft warm thing underneath her.

"Move over, stupid girl" the man screamed in pain.

 Durga studied his handsome face which showed expressions of pain. He opened his eyes and stared deep into the eyes of the woman, on top of him. His eyes soften and his lips twitched to smirk.

"Move" he commanded.

"I can't, there are snakes on top of me" she whispered in his ear. "Stop moving otherwise we will get bitten" she warned. They froze in their place. They kept on staring at each other being still in that position

Two snakes coiled themselves on both of their feet and a larger snake coiled around both of their waists.

"These reptiles are so slimy and cold!" she thought. "Oh my god, a snake is moving towards my head" she whispered panicking.

"Come closer" he whispered and they closed their distance between their face. Their lips almost touched.

The snake coiled itself on top of her head and hissed loudly.

Durga pushed her face into his in fright. Their lips touched and they stared at each other with horror written all over their faces.

The workers around were unaware of their situation. Few men were gossiping and laughing. An old worker was humming an old Tamil song in a low tone.

The snakes coiled around and gripped them both, more tightly. They both closed their eyes.

As soon as Durga closed her eyes, she saw the image of the man that she had fell over, but in the image, he was a Rakshas, his eyes were shiny red and he had protruding teeth. His hair was longer, scattered and brownish.

The man underneath her moaned a little.

The snake started moving down towards her neck from her head and she screamed at the top of her voice. The workers turned their faces to the source of the sound. Everyone ran to the pair who were in the captivity of the snakes. They surrounded them and started discussing how to get rid of the snakes.

"Do something!" Durga screamed.

The man opened his eyes and watched the girl. Their eyes met once more. But that time, he stared with admiration. A tingling feeling ran down her spine and her eyes softened. "Beautiful" she thought and stared deep into his dark eyes.

Soon the snakes loosened their grips and started to slither away hissing loudly. Durga rolled over onto the ground. She sat up slowly along with the man.

The larger snake stayed there, waiting for them. They watched the snake with fear in their eyes. The snake flicked its tongue at Durga. Soon the snake slithered away in a hole in the ground.

Durga's heart beat at a very high pace. Tears rolled down her cheeks. The man got up and helped her up.

The workers watched the two of them.

"Go work" the man ordered the other men in a gentle tone. She kept on crying in fear. "Shh, they have gone. Don't cry now. You are safe" the man hushed the beautiful girl in front of him.

Durga nodded and sniffed. 

"I don't like snakes" she said in a trembling voice. "Let's go up" he instructed and held her hand. She followed the man up on the ladder.

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