Chapter 18

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Durga's dream (from her point of view)

I was sleeping, it was pretty hot that night. I remember I was sweating very much. I heard someone screaming loudly which woke me up. I got off from my cot and looked around. My young brother and my twin brother and sister were asleep.

I ran to the source of the sound hurriedly. It was my mother's cries. She was holding on to my father's arm who was being forcefully taken away by the cruel soldiers of the kingdom.

"Hey, leave my father" I shouted in anger in a language I never heard. 

But my voice was unheard by all the people there. I could hear the screams of rakshasnis coming from outside, I understood the same thing was being done to other families too.

I was very young and small, only six years old maybe, am not sure. I picked up a small brick lying at a corner of our house and threw it at the soldier who was pulling my father. He glared at me.

Although the brick looked heavy but it did not harm the soldier. He left my father's arm and rushed towards me in anger. My mother left my father's side and rushed in front of me to save me from the soldier.

I was terrified, the man glared at me once more. His eyes had turned yellowish, just like my father's when he used to transform into a rakshas. He glared at my mother and then curled his brows in confusion. 

"What are you?" he asked my mother. 

"I am a Nagin Rakshasni" my mother said boldly, but I knew she was lying. She was not like others, she was like me, a Mayabi Rakshasni who could turn herself into anybody and anything she wished.

"I don't sense your Nagin powers" he said and came closer to my mother. His face was centimeters from my mother's, his fangs grew out. I hid behind my mother grabbing the cloth of her brown saree. 

"I can't sense your daughter's power too!" he said as he glared at me.

"She has no power, she is a simple Rakshasni!" she answered to protect me. I didn't understand why she told so.

 "Okay, I will accept that. She is the child of this rakshas!" he said as he pointed at my father who had turned himself into a snake Rakshas.

"But you Rakshasni, I don't sense a little of any Nagin powers in you!" he threatened my mother as he pushed my mom into the wall. He studied my mother's face as if she was a food and then flicked his forked tongue.

Then we heard a painful scream from my father. He had fallen on the ground. The soldiers had defeated him and were pulling him away. I ran after the soldiers but the same soldier picked me up in his arms and threw me on the ground forcefully and I fainted.

I woke up the next morning in my bed. I saw my mom sitting on the ground with my twin brother and sister in her arms. I got up and walked to her. My little brother came to me and raised his arms at me begging me to pick him up. I picked him up in my arms and went to my mom.

"What happened, Maa? Why are you crying?" I asked her.

"Kamakshya! They took your father!" she screamed and cried.

"Maa, I will bring him back" I said as I rubbed off the tears from her face. 

"I know you will dear, you will be the bravest Rakshasni in the history of rakshas" she said.

"What will they do with him?" I asked. 

"Your father will forget us forever, my child. He and all the other rakshas have been taken to the army general who is recruiting soldiers for a war with the humans" she explained.

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