Chapter 8

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"Durga?" Indu called. The couple looked at her. Their faces turned red at the sight of the three people standing there.

Suddenly the ground started shaking. Everyone in the temple lost their balance and fell down. Being in a close proximity, Durga toppled over Sahaya and Indu fell over Thomas and Daniel rolled down the stairs.

They all felt dizzy.

Durga closed her eyes as they fell on the floor and the image of the man lying beside her appeared in her mind just like it did the last time. She opened her eyes in fright to let the image fade away from her head. Suddenly, the tremors stopped and they all got up from the floor. Thomas stared at Indu and she watched his face with confused looks their faces.

Daniel tried to get up as he watched Sahaya intently.

A smirk appeared on Sahaya's face as he saw Durga gazing at his face with a confused look. He stared at her face trying to find something.

"What the hell was that?" Thomas asked.

 "Earthquake!" Daniel answered rubbing his head. "This place is spooky" Daniel added. 

"Perhaps, because as far as my knowledge, the Rakshas clans used their powers to build temples like these. If that is true then, this place must have been constructed by rakshas with their powers. That's why we are getting affected so much" Sahaya explained. 

"Otherwise, it simply may be some geographical reason according to my boss, but I doubt it. This place is very weird!" he added with a little concern in his voice.

"Weird?" Durga asked with curled brows.

 "As in supernatural?" Thomas inquired. He nodded at the young man. 

"How do you know? Indu asked.

 "I am the boss here. I am leading the search team. I am the professional here!" he said with a smirk. Durga rolled her eyes at him.

"Where were you?" Daniel asked Durga.

 "You left me, idiot" Durga snapped. 

"No, I did not, when I reached the forest, you were nowhere near!" he replied arrogantly. 

"I fell down from the wall and you did not even turn around to see if I was alive or not" Durga explained. 

"Oh" Daniel muttered with his palm on his mouth. 

A smirk appeared on the tall man's face as he saw the two quarrel. "We got into a little sticky situation because of some snakes after that" Sahaya informed and grinned at Durga. 

Durga's cheeks went pink thinking about the kiss and the sticky situation. 

"Sticky situation? Snakes?" Indu asked.

 "I will tell you later, dear" Durga assured.

"We need to go now. You have no idea what trouble we went through to come rescue you, Durga" Thomas informed. 

"Thanks a lot" she said and picked up her bag.  

"Durgay, may I talk to you in private?" Sahaya asked and stared at her friends. Durga nodded.

Sahaya pulled her to the other side."Give me your number!" he demanded. 

"No!" she said sternly.

"Remember what I said!" he threatened again.

 "Okay, give me your phone" she said getting a little frustrated. He placed his phone in her hand and she saved her contact number. She started to walk away after handing him back the phone. Suddenly he pulled her back by her bag.

"What now?" she asked angrily. 

He dialed the number and her phone rang. "Okay, go now" he ordered. She stared at him. 

"I was checking whether you gave me the right number or not and save my number too!" he said and grinned at her.

"I will be helping you in the project through calls" He added. She smiled at him and walked away. 

"We will come back here, after an hour, sir. You can meet her then" Indu added with a smile.

Sahaya's eyes twinkled and a smirk appeared on his face. He twitched the end of his black mustache with his left hand and waved the other at Durga.

Indu let out a girly giggle and the other two boys laughed at her. "What are you guys laughing at?" Durga asked facing her friends.

 "That man fancies you" Thomas said in between his laughter. 

"Yeah right!" Daniel added. 

"No, he doesn't. We are just friends!" Durga said. 

"I never knew you learned to befriend someone so fast. Still now you don't trust us blokes" Daniel said with a grin.

"He is different," she said in her defense. 

"And old" Daniel added, earning more laughter from his friends. 

Durga fumed with anger as she saw her friends burst into hysterical laughter. She ignored them and started walking away from that place to the main temple.

Luckily, that time there were no men stationed on that way. Her friends followed her while Thomas and Daniel had a nice time teasing her. Indu gave up and tried to make the two men stop but she was failing.

"Come with me" Durga said as she grabbed her friend's hand and walked to the entrance.

All the students had already gathered and they were the last to join. Soon, after they joined, they were again taken back to the bus with the help of the big boats.

In the bus, Durga did not say a word to her friend Indu. She stared at the scenery outside as the bus was in motion. Indu tried to study her face trying to understand what was she thinking about.

 "Sorry, Durga" she muttered in a low tone. But Durga did not answer her and stared the temple that they were leaving.

The image of the same rakshas popped in her head and she shook her head to make the image fade away. Her thoughts drifted to the man that she had met a while ago. She felt a tingly sensation in her tummy as she remembered his smirk and the way he whispered in her ear. Her face went red as she tried to remember every detail of their "sticky situation". She felt her cheeks warming up. She moved and grabbed the bottle from Indu's bag. Her friend watched her peculiar and clumsy movements from the corner of her eyes as she pretended to read the novel.

Thanks for reading!




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