Chapter 16

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"What happened after that?" Durga asked growing impatient. "Wait! let me drink some water, my dear" he said in a gentle voice and drank some water. She waited patiently. 

She could hear him drinking the water and for a moment she felt as if she was with him, in his arms. She closed her eyes and imagined him, him lying with her on a windy, summer night under the night sky filled with stars, on a small cot. She smiled as she imagined him hugging her protectively in his arms and softly kissing her neck, lovingly.

That time she did not see him in his Rakshas form, she saw him in his handsome human form which made her feel good.


"So where was I?" he asked. She opened her eyes as her small daydream was broken by him.

"Waiting for the sun to rise" she answered quickly.

"Aren't you a little too excited?"

 "Yes, I am. Tell me what happened next, quick!" she almost screamed.

"Okay, my dear!" he said and laughed.

(Continuation of the dream)

"It was almost dawn. I sat down beside Jatin while all the four boys were asleep. But I had no sleep in my eyes. I was lost in thoughts.


Everyone always told me that I looked older for my age. I had not been through, what they called the 'puberty phase' but I was taller than the boys of my age. It was actually an advantage for me since the taller we were, the longer our wings were, to proportionate the weight of the body. Larger wings meant flying at higher altitude and faster in air.

I had learned to balance myself in the air quicker than any other of our kingdom. At the mere age of three, I had learned to fly. I remembered my friends' faces all of a sudden. I was worried about where they were, I could not find their dead bodies in the kingdom. I assumed that they were taken away by the human army.

Only we were left of our kind. I had no idea, what those humans would do with them but as far as my knowledge, they would kill them. Tears puddled up in my eyes, as the realization set in that I won't be able to see my friends again.

It was not the first time, that the humans had attacked the rakshas. My mom used to tell me that once there was a kingdom before, where resided the most powerful Rakshas and Rakshasni of the world. They all had divine powers and were blessed by Lord Shiva and the Goddess Chandalika. However, they were destroyed by the humans. I never got to know the whole story about it. 

I looked at the sky, the darkness was slowly fading away. I decided to move towards the south where some holy Rakshas resided. We had no idea what they were but they were famed to possess weird mysterious powers. I had no clue where they lived. I only knew about the direction where I could find them.

Our kingdom was surrounded by vast dense forest. There were a number of animals there, which was good for us since we could feed ourselves. I was a good hunter. I had faith in myself that I could hunt down some animals and fed the boys and myself. However, I was worried about the baby. He could not eat meat like us. He needed milk.

The sky was brightening up and I heard some noises, crushing of grasses and footsteps, a huge number of footsteps. It was because of my better hearing power that I got alerted. The boys had also heard the same and woke up.

"What is that sound?" Kumaran asked in a bit panicky tone. 

"Sounds like an army approaching!" I answered. They looked scared again.

 "Don't be afraid, we can hide on the trees, they are near we cannot run away now. Just use your powers and the weapons" I instructed.

"But we can't fly" Jatin whined.

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