Chapter 19

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(Continuation of the dream)

I was panicking, the Bat rakshas were the queen's so-called sons whom she found somewhere and adopted. They collected the tax from all the citizens of the kingdom, forcefully! They were very notorious. They would punish anyone who could not pay the tax. And if even after that they would not submit the tax, they will loot their house or take away the rakshasni of the house to make them slaves at the palace according to the rules of the kingdom.

I entered my house through the window and I could hear the chaos they were causing. They were a bunch of rowdies, always causing trouble to others. Even when they were off duty, they would cause problems. They would get drunk and disturb people or they would simply do it for entertainment.

I changed myself into my normal form and changed my clothes as fast as I could. We, Rakshasnis were different from normal humans. We grew faster than them but died quicker than them. In short, we had a small life span!

Although, I was 12 years old but I looked like an 18-year-old. I was still the shortest one of all the Rakshasnis of my age. But according to Manisha, I was the fairest and the most beautiful of all.

I changed my clothes quickly but I couldn't find my Dupatta (piece of cloth used to cover the chest by females). I was searching for it everywhere hurriedly. 

Suddenly, I heard a husky, manly voice at the door. "Searching for this, my love?" he asked as he smirked at me holding my dark-blue dupatta.

My brothers and sister had reached but they were blocked by the other bat-rakshas outside the house. I could hear them talking.


I was wearing an off-shoulder, fitted blouse and a long gown like skirt. I quickly covered my chest with my hands and looked away in embarrassment. I could feel his eyes all over me. 

"Hey, don't hide them from me?" he said seductively as he walked towards me. He clicked his tongue.

I glared at him and stepped backwards as he walked towards me. "Where is the tax?" he asked me as he bent down to my level, handing me the dupatta. I snatched it away from him and draped it properly on my chest.

(Conversation between Durga and Sahaya)

"You know that bat rakshas looked a lot like you Sahaya, the one we saw on the wall of the temple" Durga said and chuckled. 

"Oh nice, then it's me, Rudra?" he said and laughed. 

"Yeah, even Rudra was a pervert like you!" 

"Hey, hey I am not that bad" 

"Yeah, right you are even worse than Rudra" Durga said and chuckled.

"Okay fine all right, continue" he said rudely. 

Durga chuckled again.

(Continuation of the dream)

"I crawled under my cot and took out a box which contained the money I had earned by cooking at others' houses or taking care of others' kids. Till then, Manisha would manage the tax for us also but her husband did not like it. I felt bad, so I told her that, I would earn myself and pay for everything.

I took half of it and handed it to him. He counted the coins and then smirked at me. "It's not enough!" he said and laid down on my cot as if he owned it.

 "I don't have anymore" I said arrogantly. 

I could hear my brothers screaming at the other bat-rakshas, who were his brothers. I was sure they were teasing my brother, Tanush. They teased him even in the past.

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