Chapter 9

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She drank water while her hands trembled. Suddenly her phone beeped alerting her of an incoming message. Slowly she reached for the phone and checked the inbox.

"Missing me?" the message said. She viewed the number and a smile emerged on her face. 

She quickly replied "No, I am not".

Indu caught her friend smiling at her phone. Durga saved the number with a contact name "Sahaya". Her phone beeped again. 

"Liar, I know you are missing me" 

"No, stop imagining things, stupid" 

"Accept it! you were thinking about me just before I texted you!"

"No, I was not"

"Then what were you thinking?" 

"Nothing related to you, mister" 


"You are imagining things, I was thinking about my essay" 

"Oh okay, miss liar" 

 "I am not a liar, I rarely lie" 

"That means you accept you lied all this time. You were thinking about me and missing me ;)" 

A frown appeared on her face as she felt defeated.

"I was not. Now stop messaging, we have reached our destination. I will get back to you later. Bye" she texted back and shoved the phone in her pocket.

Indu got up as the bus stopped near a food plaza. 

"Who were you texting?" she asked. 

"Cousin!" Durga answered. 

"His name is Sahaya?" she asked with a grin. Durga's face went pink at the mention of his name.

 "Yes, he lives in Chennai" she said confidently. 

"All right!" she replied.

Indu joined Thomas as she got off the bus.

"Hi there again, " Daniel greeted as he took his position beside her. 

"Humph" she muttered remembering his betrayal and carelessness in the temple. 

"Wanna eat with me?" he asked with a grin.

 "No, I will join Indu!" she answered. 

"Stop being the third wheel in between them. Give them some time alone. Come with me" he said.

She looked at her friend walking with Thomas, ahead of her. She never saw her smile so warmly. She decided to leave her with Tom.

"Okay" she muttered.


She sat down across Daniel on a table for two.

 "Are they in a relationship?" she asked staring at the couple.

 "It looks like so" he said and scratched his head. 

"They did not mention yet" she stated and looked at the menu.

"Thomas is a not much of a chatter. He keeps everything to himself most of the time" he informed with a frown. 

"Oh, Indu is same as well" she replied without taking her eyes off the menu card.

They ate their food silently as they both watched the couple enjoying themselves.

"She looks so happy" Durga said with a smile after she completed.

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