Chapter 17

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Durga boarded the bus. She spotted her best friend, Indu, sitting but she didn't notice her. Durga understood something was bothering her. She had a hunch that the reason for her sadness was her boyfriend, Thomas. But she was not going to accuse him without any proof.

She sat down beside her. Indu was so busy in her thoughts, she didn't notice that someone had taken a seat beside her. Durga watched her for few seconds and then slowly placed her palm on her shoulder to let her know.

Indu jumped in fright yelping lightly.

"What has happened to you?" Durga asked in confusion. 

"Oh Durga! you have come, I didn't notice" she said with a fake smile. 

"What's wrong?" she asked. 

"Nothing!" she stammered and faked a smile again.

Her nothing was that everything that was making her sad and Durga was dying to know.

"Did Tom do something?" she asked seriously.

 "n-no, he did nothing. We are good!" she said as she looked out of the window of the moving bus. 

"You can tell me, I am always there for you!" Durga said. 

Indu ignored her and kept on thinking to her own. Durga watched her closely but she was busy with herself. At the end, she gave up and decided to wait for her to tell her.

Durga took a deep breath and rested her head on her seat. She closed her eyes and started to think about her dream. The dream she had seen last night was something she did not wish to experience again. Her head hurt badly and getting onto the bus to find Indu's sad face seemed like an indication of an unlucky day ahead.

She wished for a moment that she could be in her home, in her bed, talking to Sahaya on her phone. Those days the only thing that made her smile was the messages and calls from Sahaya. But she was afraid that she might get addicted to him and if someday she had to leave him, it would hurt her a lot. She did not wish to go through all the pains she had gone through in her last affair.


They got down from the bus and walked to their classroom. Indu was silent, lost in her thoughts. Thomas and Daniel had not yet arrived. They were always late.

But they were way too late that day. They arrived when the class had already started. Thomas looked at their direction. He was as surprised as Durga to see Indu. Durga realized that Indu was not lying. But, she could not guess any other problem that might cause her sadness.

The classes went on, one by one, but Indu either remained completely mute. Thomas tried his best to ask her but she simply answered 'nothing' every time. At one point Thomas became irritated. He was getting angry and Durga felt he was going to shout at Indu.

She grabbed his arm before he could. "Let her be as she is, she will tell. Don't force her" she said. 

Daniel agreed with her. Even he was worried about Indu. Thomas nodded and did not say anything. After the college hours, Thomas tried his best again to get her to talk but she did not say anything. 

At the end, he did what Durga feared the most, he screamed at her. Indu got terrified and burst out crying. She ran towards the gate and Durga had to follow her. She kept on calling her but she did not stop. Before she could catch her, she had already got onto an auto and left. She panted because of the chase. Daniel and Thomas came to her running after few moments.


Thomas gritted his teeth in rage and glared at the short girl. "It was not my fault, that bloody girl is the one who is not speaking!" he barked at her.

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