Chapter 25

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His hands shook terribly as he tried to grab the glass of water. He was sweating. He slowly gulped down the water to the last drop.

"What happened to you? you look like you had a nightmare!" Thomas asked as he looked at him. 

Thomas was sitting near their room's huge window with a book in his hand. Dan looked at him and nodded. Thomas curled his brows in confusion. He got up and walked to his bed.

"Do you want to talk about it, brother?" he asked in a soft tone as he touched his shoulder to calm him. 

Dan simply watched his eyes, blankly unable to form words.

 "Okay breathe first, in and out" Thomas advised as he folded his lungi and sat on his bed.

He followed his cousin's advice.

"Are you okay now?" Thomas asked again as he bent a little towards him. 

"Yes! Thank you!" he said. 

"Tell me, what is it?" Thomas asked and sat crossed legged. 

"You won't call me insane or something after I tell you! promise me?" Dan asked as he stared at him with a serious look. 

"No, of course not. I am really worried about you" 

"Okay then, listen" 

"In my nightmare, I was this kind of Dracula thing with huge wings on my back like that of the bats, Just like I had seen on Sahaya, yesterday" he said and paused. 

Thomas nodded and started biting his nail.

"My dreams started from last night, I was a small boy in the beginning of that dream. It was night time, some men came into our house and killed all of my family, my mother and my two elder sisters with their swords. I ran away and jumped out of the window.

I was sacred so I ran into the forest and stayed there for a long time. I cried in the shade of the darkness of the forest as I heard all the people's scream as if there was a massacre. After around two hours, everything was silent. I walked out from the forest and started walking through the streets.

As I witnessed the dead bodies of all our kingdom's soldiers, my eyes were filled with tears, because I realized my father was also killed.

There was silence all around but suddenly I heard the sound of someone crying. I walked to the source of the sound and reached a house. I peeked in from the door and saw a young boy older than me crying over a dead body of a Rakshasni. He sensed my presence and turned at my direction. I was so afraid that I ran away from there and hid behind the well.

However, later he found me and we became friends. His name was Rudra. Mine was Daksh like Sahaya said that day. He was bigger than me and he carried me in his arms like I was a baby for him" dan said and stopped.

"okay, then?" 

"The strangest part was that, that Rudra, looked a lot like Sahaya!" 

"What?" Thomas asked in surprise. 

Daniel nodded.

"We met two more boys, like us, Draculas! Their names were Kumaran and Jatin. Kumaran also held a baby in his hand named Raaka. When we woke up in the morning, we heard an army approaching. We attacked the army of those snake type rakshas but we were defeated easily. The queen with four arms somehow knew that Rudra and he took us to her palace in her kingdom.

I was very attached to that Rudra guy and also the other boys. That Rudra guy was sort of like my big brother and he would feed me and also bathe me daily as if I was a baby for him.

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