Chapter 10

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Indu nodded at the two men with a smile on her face and the other two men smiled back understanding what she meant.

"Who texted you?" Daniel asked with a grin on his face.

 "Cousin!" she answered and ignored them. The two guys laughed hysterically.

"What happened?" she asked feeling puzzled. 

"You are chatting with him, right?" Thomas asked as he smiled at her evilly. Durga's face changed its color to a shade of pink.

"Yes, cousin" she said in a normal tone.

They stopped laughing sensing the confidence in her voice.

"We thought that you were talking to that old, tall man" Daniel stated. 

"No, I wasn't," she said simply as if it was the truth.

Indu watched her with confusion. She walked ahead of them still typing something.

"She is lying, right?" Thomas asked.

 "She rarely lies" she informed.

"The way she answered, it seemed she said the truth. Anyways, you girls don't like old men, nah?" Daniel asked.

 "No, yuck" Indu answered making faces.

The guys burst out laughing seeing her.

"She must have a secret lover" Indu said with an evil smile. 

"May be" Daniel said with a frown.

They reached to the boats and traveled back to the temples. As soon as they reached there, Durga turned around to see her group mates' faces. 

"Let's go to the other temple, we need to check it out. Last time, we did not get much time to see it properly" she said in a serious tone.

The two boys shared a look and Indu followed her friend.

"Are you sure, we won't get into trouble?" Indu asked in a concerned voice. 

"No, he is there" she answered trying her best to hide a smile. 

"Okay" she muttered and they all walked to the temple.

They crossed the tapes and started walking to the direction. They heard a voice, "Hey, you four, where the hell are you going?"  Sahaya asked boldly. They all turned their faces to the man.

"We want to see the other parts of the temple" Durga explained in a gentle voice.

He watched the four angrily as if they did a great sin. "You are not allowed here" he stated and looked back at the workers who were staring at him.

He waved his hand and signaled them to go back to their work.

"But we need to" Durga pleaded. 

"Only one" he stated after a lot of fake thinking. "Who is the smartest one?" he asked and all of them gazed at Durga.

 She shifted her weight from one leg to other, while she watched the tall man, who was trying his best to look like a stern man.

"This small one?" he asked indicating Durga. Thomas nodded.

"Leave her and go. She will see the things and return" he ordered. 

"Okay" Indu whispered in a trembling voice. Thomas put his hand on Indu's shoulder and pulled her.

Daniel stared at Durga and then watched the tall man towering her. Durga sent a small smile at him and nodded, signaling it was all right. He glared at Sahaya and turned around to join his other two partners.

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