Chapter 3

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"How was your first day?" Durga's father asked. Durga watched him for a moment feeling a little strange. She took another bite on the idli. "Fine," she said coolly not paying much attention.

"Good," he said in a serious tone. The older woman watched the two intently, hiding a smile.

The three ate their food in silence.


Suddenly the plates moved. "Stop shaking the table, Durga" the man chided as he changed the TV channel. "Mom, don't move the table," Durga said "I am not moving the table," she said in defense.

"Don't blame it on your mother!" her papa said rudely. "I am not moving it" she explained in a high volume and the shaking increased. "Wait, why is the house shaking?" the older woman asked as she looked at the walls.

"Earthquake!" Durga whispered."Earthquake, it's an earthquake" she said increasing the volume of her voice. The man stood up immediately followed by his family. "Go out fast" he commanded. The three walked out of the house.

They looked around, the whole street was crowded with the residents. The shaking became more severe. Durga watched all the houses shiver at a very fast pace. Her mother cried seeing a small mud house collapse.

"Shut up, mother" Durga hissed. Some more women screamed and cried."Drama!" Durga whispered looking at the old women. "The world is going to end" a gray-haired lady screamed. Listening to her words the other women around started to cry.

"Nothing is going to happen. It's just an earthquake" Durga explained the ladies. The gray haired old lady watched her as if she had said something sinful. "You are a foolish girl. The world is going to end!" she screamed.

"Oh please grandma, stop all these nonsense. We are going to be fine" her grandson chided her. She stopped her whining and stared at her grandson with thin eyes for a moment. "That demoness seduced you, right? That's why you are supporting her!" she said and cried more.

Everyone looked at the poor girl who had her fist ready to punch the life out of the woman.

"No granny, she is like my elder sister. How vile is your mind? Your age is getting into your head" he explained and all the men around laughed.

The other women just observed the scene with a confused look.

"Mother shut up" her son chided her in a serious tone, which finally made her stop from saying something against Durga.

The tremors slowly lessened.

Everyone waited for the tremor to stop. The trembles stayed for some minutes and then everything was still like before. "I am going to eat," Durga said and started walking towards her house. "Durga, wait. It may come again" her father warned. "No, it's not. Even if it does, I am not coming out, I am hungry!" she hissed.

"Stubborn child" her father chided."Thank you father" she said sarcastically. She sat at her place and finished her food.


She watched all the people still waiting outside. She rolled her eyes and switched on the small color TV. She quickly changed to the local news channel.

"An earthquake of 7.5 on Richter scale has been felt. The epicenter is said to be in a small village of Malaysian island 19km away from the capital city Kuala Lumpur. Tremors were felt throughout southern and eastern parts of India" The female news reader said on the screen.

She changed and checked on some other channels, where the reporters were going to different places and showing the places and terrified people.

Same thing was shown on almost all the channels. "Great," she said and switched it off. She walked to the main door and announced the news to all the nearby people.

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