Chapter 26

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"Is everything all right in your home, di?" Sahaya asked in a worried voice.

"Yes, fine for now" 

"Are you sure, I am not going to get killed by your Maa?" 

"No, she won't kill you! By the way, when are you guys going to that new island?" 

"Soon, waiting for my boss to arrive, he is in Delhi, will come by tomorrow's flight, then maybe after that we will start surveying that place" 

"What do you think that place is?" she asked trying to remember every place she had seen in her dream.

"Don't know, but I think I have seen it in my dreams, I will understand when I get there" 

Durga heard a flip of a page on the other side of the phone.

"What are you reading?" 

"Your essay!" he answered and chuckled.

 "Oh, are you going to score them?" 

"Yeah, and may be your professor will tell this thing to you in this week, that the best essay and the best project will get an award from our side"

"Oh my god, really?"


"Okay, so who has written the best?" 

"Are you kidding me, you miss Wikipedia have written a whole book on that god damn place and asking whose is the best?" 

"So that means, I will win, right?" 

"I will award you the first prize only if you kiss me!" 

"What if I don't?" 

"Your friend Indu, she has also written nicely, she can also be awarded!" 

Durga remembered her mom's words from the morning.

"Okay, umm, you can award her. If she deserves it then I don't have any problem" she answered back in a little sadder and serious tone.

Sahaya chuckled.

"Afraid of me, aren't you?" he asked. 

"No, I am not!" 

"Looks like that, anyway, I was kidding. And by the way, no doubt, I have to award you. You have written about everything in details. Moreover, your team has also made the best project" 

"Oh nice!"

Everything that her mom explained in the morning was going in her head and she wanted to confirm that he was not one of those men.

"What happened to you, today? Not in the mood?" he asked in a serious tone.

"It's all right!" she said trying to be a little normal.

 "All right, good then" he said and waited for her to say.

"When will we get the prize and what is the prize?" 

"That I don't know, my boss will decide because it's a government thing" 

"Oh okay, umm, so did you see any more dreams yet?" she asked him.

"Yes, I saw something while taking my afternoon nap today!"

 "start then!" 

"okay, listen" 


There was a lot of chaos in the castle. We were soon going to have our yearly Shiv puja for the safety and progress of our kingdom. My queen mother was a great devotee of Lord Shiva, actually, we prayed to him only along with Narayana and Brahma, sometimes. The other Devas were not in favor for us for ages.

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