Chapter 11

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"Afraid or can't stay without me?" he asked with his same old grin. Both the options were something that Durga would not choose, but she was not interested to lie to him.

"Afraid!" she muttered in a lower tone as she watched another small unfinished temple at the far corner of the pit.

 "Afraid!" he repeated her word. She looked at him and nodded.

"What's there?" she asked pointing at the small temple.

 "That's a temple, we don't know of whose it is?" he said and walked into a tent. Durga watched the small structure with thin eyes as she placed her hand on her forehead to block the bright light.

Sahaya walked out after three minutes.

"What got you so late?" she asked with a furious glare.

 "Missed me? Can't stay away from me for three minutes, Durgay?" he asked as he smirked. "No, but you kept me standing here like a stupid person" she answered. 

"I had some work" he said in a serious tone.

"Okay, do inform me from the next time" she ordered.

 "Oh how sweet, I did not know you are my mistress!" he said and laughed. Her face reddened with immense anger as she glared at him.

She turned around and crossed her arms over her chest. He laughed more as she did it.

"You are like a little baby. You get so angry and your cheeks blow up like the blowfish" he said as he laughed. 

"Stop it, mister Sahaya" she yelled as she turned around.

Her high pitched voice earned her some more looks from the nearby workers. She looked around and calmed herself.

 "Am sorry" he said as he managed to stop.

"Do you want to see that also?" he asked as he turned towards the broken temple. She stared at him and then at the temple. 

"Yes" she said in a gentler tone. 

"Then follow me!" he said and started walking towards the temple.

"Why is here a big hole in the ground?" she asked as she looked down at the pit where the men worked. 

"This was the bathing or purifying area, like all the other temples here! I guess. I don't know" he informed. 

"Then what's that on the other side of the snake temple?" she asked.

 "That is also the same but I think these two were used by different people" he answered as he climbed on the wall.

"Different?" she asked as she also followed him on the wall.

"Be careful, don't fall down this time, I am not standing down there to act as your cushion this time" he warned the woman.

 "Okay fine" she said.

"Different, because, all the demons did not possess divine powers. Some had and some were simply more like humans but they were much larger, stronger and cannibal in nature. So, I think a pond was used by the magical folks and other for ordinary folks" he explained.

"Are you sure?" she asked.

 "No, it's just a thought, I need to find some proof to explain it" he said with a sad tone. 

"Okay" she replied as they reached the plain land.

He watched the ground and kept walking. All of a sudden, he halted on his way. He raised an arm and forced the woman to stop. 

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