Chapter 22

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In the hospital:-

"Durga! Durga?" Sahaya called softly as he sat near her bed.

 "Rudra?" Durga called in a whisper while her eyes were closed. All her friends looked at them with confused looks on their faces.

"What did she just say?" Indu asked as she moved a little closer towards Sahaya.

"Rudra?" Durga called again and blinked one time.

 "Sahaya?" she almost jumped in shock as she saw him. 

"What are you doing here?" she asked as she held his hand.

 "Where am I?" she asked as she looked around her surrounding.

 "You are in the hospital, Durga!" Thomas informed as he curled his brows. 

"What happened?" she asked as she looked at him.

 "During the earthquake, you fainted and started whispering in a different language!" Daniel informed. 

"Thomas thought that some sort of ghost attacked you or something. His first option was to take you to a tantric but thanks to your best friend Indu, you are in the right place!" Daniel added as he looked at Thomas.

Thomas scratched his head.

"What should I have said, she was behaving weird! And I have seen on those shows on TV how a person behaves when a ghost enters a body" Thomas said. 

"Oh shut up!" Indu scolded him.

Durga tried to process everything but she kept on thinking about the things she saw in her dream. She wanted to return to that dream and feel that feeling of love. She looked at Sahaya who looked at her with worried eyes. 

"Rud-Sahaya, how did you come here?" she asked. 

"Your friends rang me up!" he said and looked at Daniel. 

"Well, what could I have done, you told us he was your cousin and his number was the first one in your call log. Though your mom is already on the way" he said.

 "Looks like your mysterious 'cousin boyfriend' is finally revealed. Although, we all knew that it was going to be him" Thomas said and chuckled. 

Only Daniel remained quiet as he stared at the couple holding each other's hand and staring at each other.

"I also fainted" Sahaya whispered in her ear. 

"What? Did you also get the visions?" she asked as she pulled herself closer to him.

No matter how close they were, they did not feel any sort of discomfort in that closeness. Though they had met only once before in real life! It felt as if they had been in that position many times before.

"What did you see?" she asked in a whisper getting a little impatient.

"Durga, Durga!" her mother almost screamed as she entered the room.

"Maa!" Durga greeted her in a low tone. Sahaya quickly moved away and hid behind Daniel.

"Are you all right?" she asked as she hugged her daughter. She smiled and nodded.


"Why are you hiding here?" Daniel asked with gritted teeth. 

"Her mom doesn't know!" Sahaya replied in a whisper. 

"Oh all right!" he said. Her friends watched the mom and daughter conversing.

"Thank you for helping my daughter!" her mom said as she smiled at them. 

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