Chapter 20

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Sahaya woke up with a headache again. His eyes were hurting badly. He thought about Durga and felt pity for her. She was also going through sleep deprivations and headaches like him.

For a moment, he wished she hadn't had met him that day, then their lives would have been quite simple. His life used to be simple before, it was work and home, nothing more and nothing less. But with Durga's entry in his life, everything turned upside down. He felt he was young again.

He had not known, he could flirt like he was flirting with Durga. He felt proud that he could flatter any girl with his charm at any age. But Durga was different, a lot different than the other girls he had met so far or had an affair with. 

With Durga, he felt he could spend hours and hours, simple gossiping random shits. "Random shits" according to his exes, but to Durga and him, "Random shits" were something very precious.

They both had same interests and they both knew how to react at what time. But he also felt Durga was too young and inexperienced. He had noticed her childish behavior but he didn't want her to change. 


He got ready in an hour and left for the site. He got a text message from her which caused him to smile madly. It was a daily thing for him but he had a weird fear that one day she would get bored of him and throw him out of her life.

He had dealt with lots of heart breaks, some were painful and some were not so painful. But he desperately wanted Durga in his life. If not as a girlfriend, then as a friend. He did not wish to lose her. She had become someone he could be free with and tell his deepest secrets and trust blindly. It was a very queer connection and attraction unlike he had experienced with any other girl before.

He looked at the temples as the winds from the ocean brushed his face. He wished he would have met her earlier. Suddenly, there was an earthquake. He fell down on the ground unable to keep balance. He could hear the workers screaming and shouting to alert or in fright.

He held on to the ground and closed his eyes. There was a severe headache and he was again taken back to his dreams.


I was with Kamakshya, training her but at some point of time, I got lost in her natural beauty. She had a tanned skin which seemed more golden to me. Her big, beautiful, dark eyes had mesmerized me.

I watched her as I stood few steps away from her. She was practicing with her spear that day. There was eager in her eyes as if she was going to learn the art, at any cost! She didn't seem like the quitter type to me which impressed me a lot. But honestly, she was not good enough, not nearly good enough. She needed a lot of practice. 

 It had been a few weeks since she had started training and my queen mother won't stop complimenting her in front of her maids which was actually a little irritating. 

We were at the practice grounds of her village. There were some other snake rakshas warriors training but some distance away from us. I assumed they were afraid of us. 

I kept an eye on Daksh, who was very keen on training Tvisha. I have had a chat with him and asked him not to bother them because I could not disappoint my queen mother. Mother did a lot for us. It was very painful for me to betray her or hurt her in any way and I seriously did not wish to get punished again. I shuddered at the memories of the punishment she inflicted on all the brothers except small Raaka.

I had explained the same to Jatin, Kumaran and Raaka as well. Raaka had grown up a lot, he was strong like Jatin but a little naughty like Daksh. 

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