Chapter 23

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"I was in the water when I opened my eyes. I quickly sprang up to breathe. As I went up, I breathed in the fresh air. I saw my brother, Tanush practicing with his spear. He had grown up into a man and looked like a man of 20 years.

I walked out of the water slowly as the clothes stuck to my skin. Tvisha came to my side and handed me a towel. I looked at her face, she was all grown up. She was tall and had a perfect figure. Her eyes were big and black like mine but she looked prettier than me. She was also slimmer and taller than me.

I dried my hair with the towel as I watched her.

"Are you done with your new medicine?" I asked her as I looked at Tejash grounding something in his mortar and pestle.

 Tejash also grew into a man. He had a beard and a moustache which was making him look handsome. 

"No, Tejash and I will go for looking a particular ingredient which I heard is found in the mountains!" she answered as she looked at the direction of the mountains.

 "No, you will not go there, we have no idea what kind of beasts live there!" I explained angrily. 

"But, sister, I need it" she whined as she stomped her feet. 

"I said no!" I stated.

"Okay, then Rudra and you bring it for us" she said and walked to Tejash. 

"What?" I asked getting surprised. 

"Yes, we need it to complete this new medicine!" Tejash said.

 "All right, I will talk about it with Rudra!" I informed.

Tejash chuckled at that.

"What's there to laugh?" I asked him as I curled my brows. 

"You love him, don't you sister?" he asked me as he leaned backwards resting his arms on the grassy ground. 

"No, I don't" I said and looked away.

 "As if we don't see" Tejash said sarcastically.

Tvisha giggled.

"Come on sister, tell us, what do you do with him all the time in the mountains?" Tejash asked with a wicked smile. 

"Practice!" I said and made a confused face. 

"Only practice or something else too?" he asked with a grin.

I went red as the memories of kissing him for the first time flashed in my mind.

Flash back!

We were practicing but I was worried that day, worried about Tanush. He had become a man, old enough to join the army. It had been two years since I had started practicing with Rudra.

In two years, my brothers and sister grew up so fast. It was a bit unnatural. Others of the same age did not grow up as fast as they grew up. When I consulted with Manisha, she guessed that it was because of mom's mayabi power genes that were affecting their body.

 My brothers went through their puberty phase and woke up into a full grown man one day which was little shock for me as Tanush was completely unrecognizable. Tejash started looking like my father and his handsome face reminded me of my father so much. 

Every time I looked at Tejash my eyes would get filled with tears as I remembered about my father and that horrible night when the soldiers took him away. 

But the real reason for my worry was Tanush's temper and his problem with the other Rakshas boys of the village. He would always get into a fight for very small reasons. If I scolded him, he would talk very rudely to me.

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