Chapter 30

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"My mom isn't allowing me to go to the new island because you will be there" 

"Oh, What will you do then? It took me a lot of effort to convince my boss to agree on getting you people here. He is still worried that you guys will damage the things" 

"What? He thinks we are small kids?" 

Sahaya chuckled.

"Yeah, he does. He considers every one kid who is younger than him, that's why he rarely trusts anyone. He doesn't even trust me" 

"Weird man!" 

Sahaya laughed again.

"Anyway, do something and come here, I did everything just for you" 

"Okay, I will try my best, we still have a lot of time. We will be going after the exams only, right?" 

"Yeah, it was the idea of the dean, don't blame me for that" 

"Oh, okay, no problem, I will have to prepare for the exams now" 

"Yes, you should, if you fail or something, your mother will blame me" 

"Oh no, don't worry, I won't fail, I am already done with half the revisions" 

"Done half? When do you even study?" 

"I multi task. By the way, today I asked Dan about Daksh!" 


"He doesn't want to share I guess. Well, I am not sure, whether he is hiding or he doesn't get dreams like us" 

"If he is hiding, try to convince him. We need to know, then only we will be able to find out why we get these and perhaps put a stop to all these" 

"Don't you enjoy the dreams?" 

"Yeah I do, but there are some bad parts also, which I don't want to experience. You know whenever Rudra practices with his sword and gets hurt I also feel the pain. So yeah, I want the dreams to end. I have lost kgs of weight because of the lack of sleep" 

Durga laughed at his words.

"Okay, I understand, even I experience the same. There are many things I also don't want to experience through the dreams. I absolutely can't take the pain of guilt of Kamakshya. Whenever she quarrels with Tanush, she feels very guilty. And I have to also experience it" 

"Tanush is really a very annoying child, has a lot of ego" 

"Hey, don't say like that, he is my brother. I mean Kamakshya's brother" 

Sahaya laughed.

"Did you get any more dreams?" he asked.

"No, not for two days, finally I got two nights of peaceful sleep! What about you?" 

"Not me too, by the way did you notice, the time skips in our dreams?" 

"Yeah, it's like we are being shown only the important parts of their life but the question is why?" 

"I hope we get the answers soon" Sahaya said with a sigh.


"Indu, Aryan is here. He is very angry. Somehow he got to know about Thomas. I don't know how. He is going to college to get you. Do whatever Aryan wants otherwise he might hurt you!" Indu's granny said in her terrified voice in the call.

"What?" Indu asked as she stood up in fright. 

Thomas looked at her with worried eyes.

"Yes, my child. And it's better you leave Thomas. He was so angry that he barged in our home today and threatened your grandfather that if Thomas comes near you, he will kill him and us" she informed as she cried.

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