Chapter 2: a Familiar Face

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I just kind of stood there, I couldn't really find the words to say. What do you say when you walk in on someone you don't know and they're half naked? I never said I didn't like it.

"We'll when they said it was you I didn't believe it. I mean how common is the name Justine or Heart for that matter. My how much you have changed!" He looked at me with amazement. I couldn't help but look back in those big blue eyes. Then it hit me.

"Louis, Louis Tomlinson? Is it really you?" I could not believe it. "How long has it been? 13 years?!"

"We were 8 years old! Man, it's been forever." We laughed and he grabbed me and pulled me in to give me a hug. We stood there for what seemed like a long time. Louis mom and my mom used to work together when we were younger. We practically grew up together, did everything together. Living so close together made it easy to have play dates. Rain, or shine, sick or healthy we were always playing together. I remember the day when his mom came over and told us they were moving to England. The day they left was one of the most devastating day of my child hood. We never kept in touch because we never knew how. Now that Louis is my roommate , I guess you could call it fate.

"It's just so good to see you." He said, it was like he couldn't stop smiling.

"I know, It's unbelievable." I guess I couldn't stop smiling either, I was too excited.

"Here," he says as he walks over to a clothes drawer and pulls out a white and navy blue striped shirt and puts it on. "I guess I should show you around campus." He takes my wrist and leads me out the door and down the hallway. All of the guys in the hall look at us again. My cheeks turn red again.

"Nothing to see here just keep doing what your doing." He says, still holding my wrist.

"Louis! Who's the chick?" Asks a guy wearing what looks like a soccer jersey. I think they call it football here though.

"My roommate! Now keep moving!"

"What? We can get girls as roommates?! How can I get one?"

"You can't. Now drop the subject and go about your business." We finally make it out of the building. "So that was our dorm, yeah nothing special. The guys can be dicks so just ignore them. Down there is the pond, Over there is the main building which I guess is where you came from to get here. There is the science building, mathematics building, performing arts, the gymnasium, library.... Hey let's go over there I want you to meet some people." He still talks really fast, but not as hyper. Still a bit goofy but that's why we were friends in the first place. As we walk into the library my eyes widen with amazement. This is the biggest library I have ever seen. There are study tables, bookshelves that are taller then the ladders go, two long staircases that come out from above the checkout counter that go up to a second level with more study tables and more books. Louis looks at me and smiles.

"Pretty amazing, huh?" He chuckles. "Here follow me."

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