Chapter 9: My Best Friends, Together (Louis POV)

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~~~Louis POV~~~

I woke up to the sound of my phone alarm going off. Was it really time for class already?! I pick up the phone and snooze it, I immediately fall back on the pillow and groan. Yes, I am aware that Liam spent the night. I'm still not sure if they're a couple or not, but either way I'm happy for them. Me kissing Justine made me realize that it was just awkward if we were anything more. I cared about her, but all we are is very good friends. I hear movement coming from the adjacent bed. It's Justine. I feel her poke me in the arm. I groan. I don't want to get up... I'm to comfy.

"Lou, wake up." She says in her soft voice. I don't move. Maybe if I pretend to be dead she'll go away. Just then I feel heavy pressure on my lower back. She has found it comfortable to sit herself right on me.

"Come on, Louis!" As she lightly bounces up and down. I groan again.

"I can't get up with you sitting on me...." I mumble into the pillow. She gets up and stands there and waits for me to get up. I roll over on my back and look up at her. She smiles and nods her head as she walks over to wake up Liam who is still sound asleep. She leans over and kisses him on the cheek.

"Wake up!" She giggles. He springs up, grabs her by the waist and pins her to the bed. He kisses her on the forehead.

"Morning gorgeous!" He says, she giggles.

"Morning!" She says all peppy. How could she be fully awake already? Was I not even here? I pretend to clear my throat. He looks up at me. He smiles.

"Hey, pal." He says as he stands up and lightly slaps me on the forearm. I 'fight' back by lightly punching him in the stomach. We both laugh.

"I should probably go back to my dorm and get ready. I'll talk to you guys later!" He says as he slaps my hand gives me a fist bump. He walks over to Justine and kisses her cheek. "Bye!"

"Bye." She whispers. He shuts the door behind him and Justine immediately looks at me. I couldn't help but give her a smug look. She blushes and rolled her eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I know what's going on here..." I say still with a smile on my face. I couldn't help it, the little 8 year old girl that I remember who told me she wanted to give up on love, has finally found someone who clearly makes her happy. She looked at me funny.

"What do you mean?" I roll my eyes playfully.

"Oh like I can't see it... You two are completely smitten!" Her cheeks turned even more red.

"Yeah..." She says rubbing her arm in embarrassment and looks down at the floor.

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about! Liam's a GREAT guy, if you were to date any of the 5 of us I'm glad it was him." She looks up at me.


"Absolutely, you two are perfect for each other!" She smiles, I walk over and hug her.

"Thanks for that, I thought you would be mad..." I'm confused by this.

"Why would I be mad?!" I stop and think. Then it hit me, When I kissed her! "Oh because of... Nonono! I was curious, I thought there might have been something more there... But obviously there isn't! We're better off as friends." I say with a smile. She hugs me tighter then pulls away and looks up at me with sparkling eyes.

"That's good! I didn't want this to tare you two apart. We also kissed too..." I smile, I was so happy for them, they were both broken people who had found each other. They needed each other, they were two puzzle peaces that fit together.

"Thats brilliant! And no I would never be mad, but if you're going to shower you better do it now... We have to leave in thirty minutes." She gasps and looks at the clock on the wall. She runs into the bathroom. I was already dressed within 2 minutes she was in there and she came out in a towel, dripping wet, and started rummaging through drawers to find something to wear. She always has been one to get things done quickly. She pulled out a a pair of panties and slipped them on underneath her towel, then she dropped her towel to put on her bra, I turn away.

"Wooh! Give me a warning next time!"

"Whoops! Sorry...." She says with a half smile. "Forgot..." I lightly chuckle. Then my eyes wonder out towards the window. A bit of light peaks through the drawn curtains, I peak through and notice its snowing, which means the temperature decreased a lot last night!

"You might want to wear something warm... It's snowing." I say walking over and grabbing my sweatshirt laying on the floor and slip it over my head.

"SNOWING?!" She yells and runs over to the window. Her eyes filled with amazement, like when we were kids. She had always loved the snow, I wonder if she would still be as amazed with the snow if she actually followed up on weather reports. Justine has the attention span of a freaking goldfish. Which I guess is one of the things I loved about her. She now only has a pair of jeans on as she walks into the bathroom and blow dries her hair, and makeup and other stuff. I'm pretty much just sitting on the bed flipping through my twitter feed. She walks out, her blonde hair completely dry and carefully draped over her shoulders. Her long hair was just slightly wavy. her light hair contrasted perfectly with her bright blue eyes. Shes pulls out a pink fuzzy sweater from her drawer and pulls it over her head, careful not to mess her perfect hair. She grabs a bag which I guess had notebooks, her laptop and other stuff. I grab mine as well. We slip on shoes, we grab our keys and walk out and head down the hall.

There were lots of people in the hallway, most to busy to notice Justine in the building. Then again they pretty much all saw her on the first day. She got a couple of head nods, flirty winks, one even whistled which I could tell made her extremely uncomfortable. I grabbed her hand and shot him a dirty look. She shouldn't be treated like some animal. Maybe the fact of her being in the men's dorm made her seem vulnerable. She wasn't. I knew she could take care of herself, but I would always be there to back her up if she needed it. We walk out of there unharmed. Snowflakes fell on us as we walked down a path. There were people running and rolling in the snow as a light sheet had already covered the ground. I'm not surprised. It never really snows here in London, but when it does people enjoy it.

"Do you know where you're going?" I asked.

"Not really... I have a sheet that says where I'm supposed to go though." She reaches into her bag and pulls out a folded piece of paper that has her schedule on it.

"I'm supposed to go to the health department building... Where is that?"

"Oh, that building is right next to the drama building, i'll walk you over there." She smiles in approval. We hear a warning bell go off as we see some people start to walk a bit faster to their destination. We stop in front of a tall building that looked like most of the others, but said health department on the front.

"Here you go!" I say.

"Thanks!" She says. "I'll call you later!"

"Sounds good." I say as she runs up the stairs and through the door.

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