Chapter 4: The Suitcase

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I wake up and the sun is shining. I look up at the clock on the bedside table and find that it's only 7:15. I shut my eyes, but then I realize that there is an arm around me. I want to push it off but I kinda like it. So I pretended like I never woke up. All of a sudden I hear him take a deep breath in and he immediately shifts over to the other side of the bed. I turn over slowly and he's still fast asleep. Why are guys so cute when they sleep? I apparently fell back asleep cause when I open my eyes again Louis is gone. I shift around to see him searching through the I unidentified suitcase.

"What are you doing?" I ask as he lifts some things up and puts them on the floor next to him.

"I'm trying to find anything that will tell us who this suitcase belongs to."

"Well, did you find anything?"

"Not a thing. Not a name tag, boarding pass, passport but these shirts look like stuff I would wear....wait what's this?" He digs through some clothes and finds a cell phone! Perfect! Louis started to look through it to see if he could find anything then...

"Umm, why is my number in this phone?" I get out of bed and look over his shoulder. "Everyone else's number is in here too, Niall, Zayn and...Weird, No Li.... Wait a minute! This is Liam's phone! What's it doing in this guys suitcase?!"

"Why don't we ask Liam, Wouldn't you think he noticed it was gone?"

"You would think, Liam is smart but he misplaces things a lot and doesn't notice things are gone until someone points it out." Then Louis' phone rang, it was Harry. That's his name! Harry, how could I forget that? The most rememberable name and It slipped my mind. Louis answered it.

"Harry! What's going on?"

"Louis! Liam is going mad! His bags got mixed with someone else's at the airport, his phone was in there and a couple books. He got it mixed up with some girls....There are bras in here. Do you think if I kept one the girl would notice?" Louis laughed.

"Justine, I think I just found your suitcase," He whispered, "Harry tell Liam we found his suitcase he has Justine's they must have gotten switched somehow... Wait Liam went on a trip?"

"Yeah, he went to New York... Where have you been mate? You been thinking about Grace too much?" I heard the name through the phone, did he say Grace? Who is Grace?

"I'm not going to answer that, we will be over in 5 with the suitcase and make sure everything is in her suitcase, And I mean everything."

"Oh Lou, I wouldn't take anything. Especially with Liam around, he would make me bring it back."

"Ok then... We'll be right over."

"Okay." He hangs up. He walks over to the suitcase and starts to put everything back in the suitcase.

"The suitcase is Liams. By the way, when you get yours back you might want to make sure all of your... 'Stuff' is in there." I laugh. He zips up the bag and sets it upright and pulls the handle up.

"Shall we go?" I slip on my boots and we walk out. We have to walk up a couple flights of stairs to get to their room. We reach the room and Louis knocks and Harry opens the door a little bit only so we can see his head. He smiles.


"Come on Harry, let us in." Louis says.

"Mmm... I don't think I can do that."

"Why not?" I answer then we hear Liam.

"Oh come on Harry, let them in!"

"Fine." He opens the door all the way and to no surprise has no shirt on. We walk in and see Liam laying on his bed, with no shirt on either. I tried to ignore the fact, but when you're a young woman how can you really?

"Here's your suitcase, and your phone." Louis said pulling the phone out of his pocket.

"Oh man thank you so much!" He said giving Louis a high five. "But what I'm wondering is Justine, how did u get on my flight? If I was in New York and you were in Minnesota..."

"Oh I had a layover in New York, I guess I don't remember seeing you on the flight. I'm the kind of person that remembers faces..." My eyes wander down to his stomach where his abs were firmly planted. Then I shake myself and look back up in his eyes like nothing happened. But he noticed and gave a light chuckle.

"Well, thank you again for bringing over my suitcase, if you ever need anything you know where to find us." Then I feel a hand slowly run from my shoulder down my arm, it squeezes my bicep.

"Yeah, stop over if you need to talk, or if you need anything...anything really" Harry says softly in my ear and gives a squeeze on my ass. My eyes get wide and I grab Louis wrist and squeeze it.

"Harry!" He yells

"What?" He says he walks past Liam and whispers, "she smells good." Liam rolls his eyes.

"Sorry, about...Him...just him in general." I notice I'm still gripping Louis' arm. I let go and look down as it turns red.

"Uh... Oh it's fine, I'm just not used to guys being.... That friendly." Liam smiles and walks over and grabs my suitcase and hands it to me.

"I believe this is yours." I'm about to take it when Louis hand reaches and grabs it.

"I can take it, you don't have to carry it down the stairs." He starts walking towards the door and I follow after.

"Bye lads, ill give you a call later." Louis says heading out the door.

"Bye!" Liam says and I see Harry give me a flirty smile and waves.

"Wait a sec," I say "Harry..." I motion him to come here. He walks over to me.

"What, couldn't stay away?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Turn around...." He turns around and I take a finger and stretch his sweatpants out and pull out one of my bras he stuffed in there and snap the elastic back. "You're a sneaky one aren't you." He slightly blushes and Liam's jaw has dropped. I pat Harry's cheek. "But keep trying though." I walk out and shut the door behind me. Louis looks at me.

"How did you know...." He starts but I cut him off.

"When it comes to my stuff I get pretty protective over it." He laughs

"Yeah but how did you know it was in his pants?" I laugh

"I didn't. I knew he took it but I guessed they were in there, if they weren't that would have been pretty embarrassing..."

"Yeah no kidding!"

"Sorry about you're wrist...."

"Oh it's okay,

When we get back to our dorm, I unpacked and Louis helps me make my bed. Then I collapsed onto it. But there was something that was bothering me. That I just had to ask but didn't know how to approach it.



"There's something I gotta ask..."

"Sure, anything!"

"Who's Grace?"

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