Chapter 10: Class Sucks

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I walk in the door and find a seat next to a girl with chocolate brown hair. She was wearing dark makeup around her brown eyes and had way too much perfume on, It almost made me gag. She looks up at me and slightly frowns. I slightly change my face from friendly to slightly confused.

"Are you the American who is staying in the men's dorm?" She asks. I nod nervously.

"Word must get around fast here...." I say as my eyes shift towards the ground.

"Phht, yeah! Who wouldn't be talking about that... By the way, I'm Grace." She says as her eyes change do a darker shade of brown. My eyes widen. Grace. Oh my... She hates me! I know it! I didn't even do anything and she already hates me! This is gunna be a long year.... I had to say something, I couldn't just sit there and stare blankly at her all day.

"Grace, I'm .." Then she cut me off.

"Yeah, I know who you are, Louis' roommate." She says, her eyes still filled with darkness and hatred. She looks as if she wants to murder me. I knew she was going to make sure that me being here was going to be hell. The slight curl of her lip let me know she had things in store, and it wasn't good. Then some one fast walking though the door caught my attention away. It was Liam! A sigh of relief left my mouth as he came and sat in a seat behind me. His thoughts were else where, because he didn't seem to notice me. He looked a bit rushed and was rummaging through his bag and pulled out a textbook. I half smiled and lightly touched his hand. He froze instantly staring at my hand.

"Nervous?" I laughed. He smiled and looked up.

"What are you doing here?" He asked surprisingly.

"I guess Doctors and Veterinarians have to take similar classes." Grace who had been listening in cleared her throat. I guess she hated to be ignored, let alone not even noticed at all in the first place. Liam rolled his eyes as he glared at Grace and fake smiled.

"Hello, Grace." He said through his clenched teeth.

"Liam." She said in a snotty tone then pitched her lips out and went back to scribbling things down in a notebook. I looked at him waiting for an explanation, he gave me a look that seemed to say "I'll explain later." My thoughts were "what a bitch!" Liam snickered as if he could read my mind.

"Hey, you almost made me late." He whispered, lightly slapping my forearm.

"Me? You're the one who forgot your key..." I whispered back, knowing if Grace heard us she would for sure snitch on us at what she thought had happened. Then the final bell rang. Then what seemed to be our teacher came walking in. He was a an extremely short man, stood about 4,6". He could just barely see over the counter that stood at the head of the room. He was bald on the top of his head, with long crazy white hair sticking out of the sides. He was wearing a long white lab coat with khakis.

"Good morning class! Take you're seats!" Oh my god, he sounded like a character from the muppets! "Let me take attendance." He walks over to his desk and drags over a stool to the large counter and sits himself on it so he could see his clipboard. He starts to yell out names, when he gets to my name he stops.

"Well, it seems like we have a new student. Justine Heart?"

"Yeah, That's me..." I say giving a flick my wrist in a short wave.

"Wooh!" He yells. "Are you American!?" I nod my head.

"Yes..." I say, I become embarrassed as a bunch of eyes turn to stare at me.

"Brilliant!" He shouts. "What part are you from?! Which state?!"

"I'm from the Mid West, uh... Minnesota." I say nervously.

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