Chapter 32: (Louis) I can't fight this feeling

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After lunch I go up stairs and help my grandparents set settle in their room. Nan walks over to me and grabs my arm.

"You know it's really nice to see you Lou, you're growing up too fast." She croaks.

"Aw, come on Nan. I'm pretty much the same old Louis."

"Yes, but this time you have a girl." She giggles.

"Nan, she's just a friend." I try to convince her. She didn't seem very convinced.

"If she is, not for long. You love her, I can see it in your eyes when you look at her. There's no denying 'the look'."

"Ok fine, Ive had feelings for her, for a long time. But she only wants to stay friends. She just got out of a bad break up too. I wouldn't want to rush her into something." She pats me on the back.

"Ok." She smiles and kisses me on the cheek. "Now go, run along. Your grandad and I can take it from here." I head downstairs and look around for Justine. Then I hear her laugh coming from down the hallway. She was in the twins room. I walk in and lean against the doorframe. They have blankets covered the room and were draped from the top of the window, the top bunk of the girls' beds, and the wardrobe. They had made a large fort.

"You girls are having fun without me?!" I exclaim. Five heads peak out from under a blanket.

"Louis!" They all say at once.

"Come to join the party?" Fizzy asks.

"Yeah come on in Lou." Justine encourages. They all go back in and I crawl in after them. They've got a bunch of flash lights stood on the floor lighting up the fort. We all sit in a circle.

"What do you think?" Asks Phoebe, "Justine thought of the idea to build a fort."

"Oh really?" I say looking at Justine, "how come you haven't done this to our dorm yet?" She laughs and shrugs.

"Forts are for special occasions. Plus I could never have gotten the blankets to stay like this in our dorm."

"How are you getting them to stay now?"

"Duct tape!" Says Lottie holding up a roll of tape. We sit in the fort for a while. I hadn't seen Justine this happy since she came here. She was laughing and joking with my sisters. They seem to really like her!

"Well, what do we have here!" My mothers voice exclaims from outside the fort. We all laugh and Daisy pokes her head out.

"Mummy! Justine helped us build a fort!"

"She did!?" Justine crawls over and peaks her head out too.

"Yup!" She says cheerfully. Then Lottie, Fizzy, and Phoebe crawl out to. Fizzy looses her balance and trips over Lottie's hand. She bumps into me and we all fall out of the fort. We all laugh.

"You're all in there too?" Mum laughs, "how do you all fit in there?"

"It's actually quite big in there." I explain. Just then Ted comes trotting in and the big lug goes up to Justine and gets really close to her face.

"Hey Ted!" She says kissing him on the noes. He then returns the favor by licking her on the face. He puts his front paws on her, pushes her to the ground and continues licking her. She lets out a loud laugh. I go over and Lottie and I try and get him off of her, but he doesn't seem to want to move.

"Ok that's enough." Says Justine grabbing his mouth and gently squeezing it shut. "Good boy."

"Sorry about him, he's quite the lover." Apologizes Mum.

"Oh it's fine, I love dogs. My friend back home has three." Ted sits nicely in front of her while she scratches his head.

"That's good, because he seems to really like you." She smiles, "you kids have fun." Then she walks out.


We literally spent 4 hours in the fort. After a while of playing board games and chatting. We decided to go down stairs and watch a movie. We pretty much all wanted to watch something different. Justine and I wanted to watch the first of the Spider-Man trilogy. The twins wanted to watch Finding Nemo. Fizzy wanted to watch Mean Girls, and Lottie wanted to watch the Notebook, but I pointed out neither would be very appropriate for Daisy and Phoebe. Then again, none of them would be very suiting for them, so we decided to go with Finding Nemo. It was great that we all still thought this movie was funny, never too old for a Disney movie as Liam would say.

About half way through the movie, Justine looks like she's about to fall asleep. I take my hand and lightly push back her hair, she looks at me and lightly smiles.

"You look tired." I whisper.

"Just a little..."

"Come here, love." I pat the blanket next to me and she scoots closer and lays her head on my chest. I put my arm around her shoulders as she cuddles up into me. I play with the tips of her hair, twisting them with my thumb and pointer finger. After five minutes she falls asleep. Then the night I got really drunk flashed in my mind. I remembered kissing Justine and how right it felt. The next morning Justine had said we should stay friends unless something in the universe wants us together. Was this its way of telling us? I loved Justine so much and I can't keep my feeling for her inside much longer. Loving Justine wasn't just a feeling anymore, It's a passion. I loved the feeling of her laying on my chest. This moment right now was perfect.

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