Chapter 22: Hangover

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I become aware of what my surroundings are, but my eyes stay shut. Louis is still holding onto me, loosely, but were under the covers now. I mist have done that without realizing, there was no way Louis was waking up last night. I open my eyes and look at Louis, same old cutie, I can't get over that. I get up slowly, he doesn't move at first, but when he doesn't squeeze into anything he whimpers. I grab a pillow from my bed and shove it under his arm. He hugs it and settles. That was close.

I walk over to the cabinet and make some tea. I pull out cup and tea bag. I put water in it and put it in the microwave, but I stop it just before the timer goes off. I put in the tea bag and stir quietly. I hear him groan, so I go over and sit at his feet. He rolls on his back, his hands cover his eyes and he rubs them to wake up. He grabs his head and let's out a really loud groan.

"Poor baby." I say patting his leg above the sheet. He peaks out from between his fingers, then he sits up and gasps.

"Did you make that for me?" He takes the tea from my hands and sips it. "You're such a doll."

"Hey!" I almost whine, he gives me a wink as he continues to sip.

"Ugh, my head! What happened last night?" He asks, I hesitate with the answer. How much did I actually want to tell him?

"How much do u remember?" I reply. He thinks for a couple seconds.

"I'll start from when I saw you and Liam in the hall..."

-Louis Flashback-

I rushed down the hall and head out the door and down to the parking lot to my car. I wasn't sure what to think, all I know is I was furious. I need to relax. My good friend Stan had texted me earlier to ask me to go out to the club.

When I reached the club I saw Stan waiting outside for me.

"You ready to get crazy?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure."

"What's up? You don't seem yourself."

"It's complicated, man."

"Well you better get pumped up! I know a couple of girls who are coming later, I think you'll really like one of them." He grabs my shoulders and I'm basically pushed into the club.

We walk in and head straight to the bar. I wasn't planning on getting too drunk but one drink led to another and they brought out the shots. After that it's a bit hazy, but I'll say what I remember. I remember Stan introducing me to this girl I don't remember her name... I remember us dancing and stuff... But I remember seeing you there Justine, and Harry. You tried to get me to come with you, but I obviously didn't want to. Next thing I know I'm in Harrys car looking up at you while you massage my head.

-End of Flashback-

"That's all you remember?" I ask.

"Well, yeah. We're you expecting more? Only you know what happens next, it all went blank for me." My tensed muscles relax. So he doesn't remember, that was a relief.

"Yeah, you were pretty much talking nonsense last night, talking about chickens, and sheep..." His eyes widen.

"What did you do to me?" He smiles and we laugh.

"Nothing, you thought of it all. All is said for you to come with us was that your uncles, cousins, nephews, dogs, brother died, and you need to take care of his pigs before they get turned into bacon and are eaten up for breakfast... I think." He starts to laugh uncontrollably, but then stops suddenly to the pain in his head.

"And that actually worked!?" He says still chuckling.

"I guess... You were pretty wasted." He groans again holding his head. It hurt me to see him in pain. His cheeks were a bit flushed, I lean up to feel his forehead and he's a bit warm. I walk into the bathroom and grab a couple Advil. I also rinse a wash-cloth with cold water. I walk back in the room and he is wrapped up in a blanket, like he is a caterpillar in a cocoon. I pat around for his head.

"Where are you?" I lift up the blanket and he looks up at me and forces a smile. "Come here." I sit him up and hand him the pills. He drinks them down with his tea. I sit down and lay his head on my lap as I put the damp cloth on his head. We sit there for a while as I play with the ends of his hair.

"I had the weirdest dream last night." He says.

"Oh really? What was it about?" I add, but he hesitates.

"You were in it..." He starts.


"You were sitting above me, and you looked like an angel, then you leaned down and kissed my forehead. Then when you came back down I leaned up and kissed you. We made out for a couple seconds then you said something, and I can't remember the rest." Sound familiar? Shit... He did remember. I had to tell him, he told me his secret when he was drunk now I had to tell him mine, which wasn't really a secret since he kinda already knew....

"Louis, that wasn't a dream." He stares at me very confused. Then his eyebrows raise and he sits up.

"Nonono, this can't happen.... Liam's gunna kill me if he ever found out! No! This is all my fault."

"Louis, calm down."

"Calm down?! How can I calm down? Do you know what he will do to me if he ever found out? Ugh, this is not good!" I grab Louis face and pull it close to mine so he's looking in my eyes.

"Lou, listen to me. Liam's not going to find out. We're going to pretend it never happened. Okay?" I let go of him and he slowly leans back.

"How am I supposed to keep this a secret? This is a pretty big thing to keep."

"Oh and the fact you heard my whole conversation with Niall yesterday wasn't that big?" His eyes widen.

"I told you that?" He falls back into the bed and groans. "This is not a good day." Now that I knew how I felt about him, it kept me wondering what he thought about it while he was listening. But the fact that he was mad when he saw me and Liam kissing in the hall said something.

"Lou, it's okay." I reassure.

"How can you say that? What is this going to do to us?" This stops me, I didn't really know....

"Well for now, we will stay friends unless something in the universe wants us to be together...." He just looks at me.

"Well this is a funny kind of friendship if you ask me." And indeed it was. You couldn't disagree with that.

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