Chapter 3: The Boys

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We walk up to a table with 4 guys sitting at it. There was only one who was actually doing homework, 2 of them were doodling in a journal and giggling, the other was reading but listening to music and tapping his foot and thumbs to the beat on the pages of the book. The boy with the curly hair looks up first.

"Louis! Who's your lady friend?" Then the rest of them look up except the blonde listening to music, the darker one nudges him and looks up confused then looks at me and pulls out his ear buds.

"Guys, this is Justine Heart."

"She stole my heart." Says the blonde one as the tan one steps on his foot under the table.

"Niall!" He says with clenched teeth.

"She's my roommate, we also knew each other when we were kids. Justine, this is Liam, Harry, Zayn, and Niall." Then Liam stands up and shakes my hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." He says with a smile

"It's very nice to meet you too, All of you." They all just look at me like they've never seen a girl before.

I whisper to Louis, "Why are they just starring at me?"

"They think you're pretty. I don't blame them." He replied. He smiled and I blushed.

"So, what part of the US are you from?" Asked Zayn.

"I'm from the state Minnesota." I could tell they had no idea where that was. "It's the state with 10,000 lakes.... It's along the boarder of Canada..." They still look confused. Except for Liam.

"Yeah, I know where that is! In between Wisconsin and The Dakotas." This makes me smile.

"Yeah! That's it. Not very popular, but it's home."I sigh as He smiles and glances over at Niall who gives him a looks.

"Show off." He mumbles under his breath. Then something nails me in the eye.

"OW!" I let out, they all look over at the one who's name escapes me... Zayn elbows him in the side.

"What'd you do that for?!" He shrugs as he hides a straw behind his back, then he smiles. I suppose it was some sort of spit ball that hit me.

"Sorry?" He said, why can't I remember his name? Im such a blonde... One of them has to say it soon.

"Are you alright? Can you see alright? How many fingers am I holding up?" Louis panicked, obviously I could tell he was only holding up only one finger. I laughed.

"I'm fine, thank you. I'm sure it was an accident." At this comment Zayn scoffed.

"Yeah, an ACCIDENT." He said loudly. Then we got shushed by one of the librarians which made Niall laugh and she gave him a dirty look and he covered his mouth with his hand.

"Well, it's a Friday. Is there anything you really want to do?" Louis asked. I couldn't think of anything better to do but make my bed and get warm under the covers and fall asleep.

"I could take you to a movie, or there is this great café not too far off campus, or the beach? It's supposed to get warm tomorrow. Anything you want to do, really." Geez Louis likes to talk more then I remember. Did he even breath in that sentence?!

"Could we plan for something tomorrow? I've had a long flight and didn't get much sleep because of a crying baby and an annoying kid kicking the back of my seat. Plus the time change! I really just want to get some rest." I add a smile at the end so he didn't think I was making it up. He immediately smiles back.

"Sure, it's only like 8:30 I guess we can turn in early. I've had a long week myself." We say goodnight to the boys and head back to our dorm.

When we got back to the door there was a note on the door, it read;

Dear Louis Tomlinson and Justine Heart,

Since there was no room in the women's dormitories,

We have given the exception to put two people of the

Opposite gender together, we have rules you need to fallow;

-You are the only female that can enter this dormitory.

-We advise no sexual contact with each other or any other

Male in the dorm.

If any of these rules are broken you will be expelled and sent

Back home.

**Reminder that there will be a dorm room inspection on the last day of

Every month.

Thank you.

-Headmaster Paul Higgins

"How would they know if we broke these rules?" Louis laughs.

"I guess they wouldn't..." I say questionably.

"Yeah you're right." He opens the door and I immediately fall to the unmade bed and let out a long groan with my head in the mattress.

"Do you need me to help you make that?" He asks.

"My sheets are in my suitcase." He walks over to the bag and unzips it. He laughs.

"Do you really wear these?" I sit up and turn around to see him holding up a pair of boxers. Those were defiantly not mine. I look to the bag and notice that none if those clothes were mine. I fall back onto the bed.

"This cannot be happening. I must have grabbed the wrong bag!" I cover my face with my hands. He smiles, sits on the edge of the bed and puts a hand on my knee.

"You can borrow some pajamas if you'd like. You are also welcome to sleep in my bed unless you want to sleep on the bare bed." I sit up.

"Thanks, but I wouldn't want you to sleep on the floor." He raises an eyebrow.

"Who said anything about sleeping on the floor?! Do u know how filthy this floor is? I had the lads over last week and they spilled a whole bottle of soda and a chip bag."

"Does this mean we will be sleeping in the same bed then?" I ask.

"Well, yeah. It's my bed. I'm not going to sleep somewhere else. Plus it will be just like when we were kids, we slept in the same bed all the time." He had a point. I don't really mind sharing a bed I guess... But when we were kids it was different, we're older now.

"Fine. As long as you stay on your half of the bed." He laughs at this.

"Okay!" He gets up goes to a drawer and pulls out and hands me a shirt and sweatpants. He starts to undress and I turn the other way and do the same. I guess since we're roommates we'll have to get used to changing in the same room. I don't really care honestly. I turn around and he's already snug under the covers. I smile and get in next to him. I feel him shift around. I can feel him staring at me. I turn around and stare into those big blue eyes. He yawns and closes them. I twist around to shut the light off. It's completely dark except for the moon beams streaming in through the curtains.

"I'm just really glad you're here." I hear him whisper.

"Me too." I whisper and smile. I think he whispered something else but I was already fast asleep.

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