Chapter 18: Skype

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I walk back to the dorm. When I walk in, Louis is gone. I find Liam still there, he's sitting on my bed. When he sees me he gets up and wraps his arms around me.

"What did Harry want?" He asks.

"He wanted me to meet Maria, I saw the pictures..." He raises his eyebrows.

"Really? What did you think?"

"They were amazing! I never..." Just then my phone makes a light sound. I walk over and it's from Brooke!

Brooke: 'Just woke up! I'll be online for a while, call whenever;)'

"Would it be alright if we did a video chat with my friend, Brooke? She would really like to meet you." I smile.

"Why would I mind? I wanna meet your friends." He chuckles

"Well, I don't have that many." I say grabbing my laptop from my bag and sit down on the bed. Liam walks into the bathroom as I get the laptop up and running. I hit the call button on the screen and almost immediately I see Brooke's face pop up on the monitor. She's smiling really big.

"Long time no see! How are you?!?" She yells.

"Shhh, keep it down!" I laugh.

"Oops sorry," she whispers. "But, how's England?"

"Brooke, it's so amazing! Never would have imagined the things I've been through."

"That's great, and your leg?"

"Getting better every day." Then she almost grimaces.

"What?" I ask.

"I can hear you picking up the accent there." I smile and blush.

"Well, when you're around as many Brits as I am you do pick it up." She laughs. Just then Liam walks out of the bathroom and jumps and lands next to me on the bed and kisses me on the cheek.

"Hey babe." He says, "Hi, you must be Brooke." She smiles and waves.

"You must be Liam!" She says excitedly, "Wow, I never thought Justine would find a guy like you." He crinkles his eyebrows.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means you're really hot." I explain. I hear Brooke giggle on the other end. I see Liam's cheeks blush.

"Flattering." I start to laugh. Just then Lou walks in.

"Hey guys I'm back."

"Where'd you go Lou?"

"Niall and Zayn were having issues with their...Lou." Me and Liam look at each other and burst out laughing. Louis rolls his eyes.

"Who you guys talking to anyway?" He walks over to us and puts his head right in front of the camera. "Hey look, It's Brooke!" He announces.

"Louis?" She squeaks, "Louis Tomlinson?!"

"Hello!" He says moving away from the screen and sitting on the other side of me.

"What?! Justine! You never told me Louis was here!"

"Woops. Thought my mom told you..."

"Wait," stops Liam, "you know her?"

"Well, yeah!" Exclaims Louis.

"We met Brooke in 3rd grade." I explain.

"Yup, it's so good to see you Louis! How are you?"

"Can't complain." Then he winks at her and she giggles. What was that all about?

~Brooke's POV~

Seeing them made me really happy. I was so glad that Justine and Louis had found each other again. I just wondered how Louis was taking her dating his friend... Louis has had a crush on her ever since I could remember. The wink made me realize he's still not over her, but I trust Justine, she will figure out what she is supposed to do sooner or later. Who knows? Maybe her and Louis were only meant to be friends. If you ask me those two are perfect for each other! They're so alike in so many ways.

"So Liam, what are you studying for?"

"I'm studying for my doctorate, I just like the idea of saving people." His answer surprises me. It almost makes me melt the way he says it. He is so sweet and generous.

"Wow! What about you Louis, what did you decide to go into?"

"Performing arts." I chuckle. Of course he did! He's so outgoing and is so good at acting.

"No surprise there!" I say, he laughs. Just then my dog started barking.

"Wilson! Stop barking!" I yell. He doesn't. Justine laughs.

"Having dog troubles?"

"Yeah... They need to go for a walk, I'll talk to you guys later!"

"Bye!" They say simultaneously. I hit the hang up button and they disappear.

~Justine's POV~

Her face disappears from the monitor and I shut the laptop.

"Well, that was Brooke!" I say to Liam.

"I know, I've met her before." Says Louis. I shoot him a look, he gives a cheeky smile in return.

"You know I wasn't talking to you." I try and hold in a laugh. Just then Liam's phone rings, It's Harry.

"Harry, what do you need?" We hear loud mumbles coming from the phone but I can't make out what he's saying. He pulls the phone away from his ear and hangs up, his eyes wide like he heard something he wasn't supposed to.

"What was that?" Asks Louis.

"It appears Harry butt dialed me... He wasn't alone though..."

"Oh god, you've said too much! I don't need that image!" I yell. Louis laughs.

"Oh Harry, maybe he should take you off speed dial..."

"Or don't keep your phone while you're getting intimate with your new girlfriend." We sit there in an awkward silence.

"Well, I'm going to the gym..."

"I'll come!" I say

"Right behind you." Announces Louis. Louis and I grab our bags, and Liam was already wearing sweats. Then we head out the door. I think there was a football game today on campus, or as we call it in america, Soccer. There were sweaty guys and girls yelling, cheering, and chanting. It was a zoo in there. I grab on to Louis hand so I don't lose him in the crowd. I couldn't find Liam, hopefully he was already out of there. He squeezes my hand and looks at me, then laughs.

"Come on!" He yells. We start to walk a bit faster, but it was hard with all the people there. Just then a guy runs through me and Louis' hands, breaking the grasp. I've completely lost him. Being the cluts I am, I tripped over my own boot and fell to the ground. There were so many people that no one noticed me laying there hopelessly. I got trampled and tripped over, I tried to get up but got kicked in the head. Just then the room started spinning and everything was going dark.

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