Chapter 29: (Harry) Explination

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I walk into the dorm from a long day at the bakery. I find that the room is empty. I take my laptop and turn on some music as I begin studying. After about a half an hour the door opens, and Liam walks in.

"Hey." He says. I don't answer or look at him. I'm still mad about what he did to Justine. I got a call during work from Maria, saying Justine caught Liam cheating. I had to get some answers, but I didn't feel like talking right now. He stands in front of me as I'm laying on my stomach on the bed.

"Hey!" He says a bit louder. I take a deep breath, but still don't talk to him. He walks over to the laptop and shuts the top so the music shuts off.

"Ok, what's going on with you?" He asks. I suddenly become interested in my phone and begin texting Maria. He sighs heavily and rolls his eyes. I look up and glare at him, I want him to know I'm not happy with him.

"You're mad at me too..."

"Why did you do it? I want the whole, honest, truth." He looks down at the floor. He sits on his bed, he doesn't make eye contact with me but begins to speak.

-Liam's flashback-

"Liam, can you stay after class? I would like to talk to you about something."

Mr. Shafer announces as we are all packing up for the end of class. As the bell rings I walk up to his desk, as he writes something on a piece of paper.

"You wanted to speak to me?" He hands the piece of paper to me.

"I volunteered you to tutor this girl in one of my other classes, her name is Danielle Peazer. You'll find her in the library. This is you're slip to show you are a tutor."

"Ok... when do I start?"

"Right now. She is meeting you there."

I head towards the library and sit down at an empty study table. A couple minutes later I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look up and there is a girl with poofy brown curly hair.

"Liam, right?" She asks.

"You must be Danielle..." I say back she sits down and we start studying. She really did need a lot of help. She was really pretty too, so I got nervous around her at times. Now I know how Niall felt at Nandos....

As it reached the end of our session and we pack up, she opens her mouth but pauses.

"Liam... You seem like a nice guy, I'd like to get to know the real you." I thought about that for a second.

"Are you...asking me out?" I ask. She blushes a little.

"Yeah, I guess so." I had to turn it down, I already had a girlfriend...Justine. But no girl has ever asked ME out before, and I could just say yes to this date and not have anymore. It would be completely innocent, Justine would never have to find out.

"Sure, sounds like fun."

-End of Flashback-

"So this all started out as an innocent thing?" I ask. He nods his head.

"I didn't mean for it to go that far... But then I started developing strong feelings for her. I never meant to hurt Justine, she will never forgive me for what I did." He sits there on the bed as a tear runs down his face. He quickly wipes it away to try and collect himself.

"But, that's all you did was kiss right? Nothing more?" He sits in silence, then brings his knees to his chest and buries his face in between his knees.

"I'm a terrible person, Harry. I'm so sorry." He weeps.

"No, nonono! Liam! You didn't! You did it.... Why would you.... No, you know what? You shouldn't be saying sorry to me... It should be Justine you're apologizing to. You are literally driving her into the arms of Louis." I could tell when I went there earlier today that she had been crying, and by the tear stains on Louis' shirt said that he was comforting her. I know they were roommates and best friends, and all Louis needed to do was comfort her. Did anyone even wonder about the night Louis got insanely drunk? And how he lied about his car? What else was Louis keeping from us? He's the most trustworthy in the group, but an expert liar, that's where his acting skills come in handy. Lou knows everything that goes on because he's good at keeping secrets. Unlike some people... Cough cough Niall!

"I think you need to go speak with her." I say.

"I'll go talk to her tomorrow... She's probably sleeping by now."

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