Chapter 21: What Alcohol Does...

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I walk into the dorm and hear Louis in the shower. He was humming a tune as if nothing else in the world mattered. I wanted to talk to him about him and Liam fighting. I hope they aren't actually fighting, but I know they probably are. I don't want to stress him out about about it, though I need answers. I walk over and flop down on the bed. My hands slide under the pillow and hits something. I grab it and pull out a half eaten sandwich, I was laying on Louis bed. I let out a discussed sound and toss it across the room which to my surprise landed in the trash. I lay there for a while, thinking about what I had told Niall. You don't even know how bad I wanted to tell Louis I had feelings for him, but what about Liam? I couldn't do that to him, I love him too. If I were to break up with Liam for Louis, they for sure would hate each other.

I feel a hand stroke my hair. I peek up from the pillow, Louis stands there in only a towel that is wrapped around his waist. His hair is dripping wet and the water droplets run down his chest to his stomach. His nice, toned stomach distracts me.

"What are you doing on my bed?" He asks, I shrug my shoulders.

"You feeling any better?" I nod.

"Did I do something?" He looks at me curiously. I sit up as he sits down next to me on the bed.

"Niall says you and Liam are fighting?" He looks down at his hands. He fumbles his fingers. "Lou?"

"Yeah, we're kinda falling out." He looked a bit depressed, I put a hand on his shoulder.


"He blamed me for loosing you in the crowd when clearly someone had pushed you back and I lost my grip. He blames me for everything, even when sometimes it is partially his fault."

"I'm not choosing a side, but Liam can jump to conclusions fast. He also doesn't get angry unless someone provokes him... Louis, did you say something to make him angry?" He looks up at me and takes a deep breath.

"I might have said he wasn't a good boyfriend...." My eyes widen and my eyebrows raise, so does my voice.

"Why would you say that?"

"I wanted to make him mad, I didn't mean it."

"Louis, You can't do that! Now he's going to think it's true." I stand up and head for the door.

"Justine, come on." He says following me.

"No, I need to go check on him right now. I will talk to you later." I say slamming the door in his face.


I walked up to Liam and Harrys dorm room. I knock, but no answer. I think about walking away, when Harry appears at the door and half smiles.

"I suppose you're looking for Liam." I nod.

"Yeah, is he here?" He shakes his head.

"Haven't seen or talked to him since this morning."

"Oh well if you see him, tell him I need to talk to him."

"Will do." We say good bye and he shuts the door. I text Liam anyway saying I needed to talk to him. I didn't want to go back and see Louis right now so I go out and get fresh air.

I walk out the door and the temperature seemed to drop about 10 degrees in the past 45 minutes. I start walking around, I'm not really sure where I am going. I see Zayn walking in the distance, he sees me and waves. I wave back and we make our way toward each other.

"Hey Zayn, have you seen Liam? I really gotta talk to him."

"Actually, I saw him a while ago. He said he was going to go check on you, but I see you're feeling better."

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