Chapter 36: Lost is Found

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I sat in Lottie's room as she and Fizzy both cry into my shoulders as I comfort them by hugging them. Louis was in the other room telling the twins I could hear their sobs from down the hall. I know Jay was staying strong for the girls but I knew she would shed a tear or two when they're not around.

After about 2 hours they stop crying, but I still hear their quick short breaths and their arms are wrapped around me as I comfort them. I hear a slight tap on the door, it was Louis with the twins clinging close to his T-shirt.

"Are you girls okay?" He asks as he walks in. The twins still have puffy eyes as the walk in and sniffle. We stand and gather in the middle of the room for a large hug.

"I know what you guys are going through, loosing someone important to you." I start to say, "It's hard to let go, but Ted will always have a special place in each one of your hearts. Including mine." Louis looks up and gives me a small smile. Then he mouths the words 'Thank you' to me. I nod in understanding.

I then hear a faint ringing coming from downstairs. It was Louis' phone. He and I exchange confused looks.

"Would you go see who that is?" He tells me. I nod, stand up and head downstairs. His phone is sitting on the kitchen counter, I pick it up and answer it.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Justine?" Returns the familiar voice.

"Yes... Who am I speaking to?" I knew it was Liam, but I wanted him to think I forgot all about him.

"Um... It's Liam." He spits out.

"Oh, hi." I didn't know what else to say.

"Hi, I wasn't expecting to talk to you... Where is Louis?"

"His dog just died, so he's upstairs with his sisters." I hear him gasp.

"On his birthday? Oh that's terrible.... Well I called to wish him a happy birthday, would you pass the message on?"

"Sure thing." I say with little expression. It was silent for a couple seconds, I almost thought he hung up.

"Justine, can I talk to you about something?" Just then Jay walks up from down stairs and into the kitchen. She looks at me and gives a warming smile. I smile back.

"One sec." I say, I grab my coat and one of Louis' beanies sitting on the a hook and step outside. I walk down the steps and walk around and sit in the lawn swing in the back yard.

"Ok, What?" I sigh.

"Justine... Look," he starts. Then I look up and see Louis peering down at me through the window. He looks at me, questioning who I'm talking to. I mouth 'It's Liam' to him and instant jealousy and anger come over his face.

"I know you are probably still really mad at me, and I know what I did was wrong... I guess what I'm trying to say is... Justine, I want you back. No, I NEED you. I messed up, big time! I love you, Justine. I need you to know that, you're everything to me." I sat there in horror. After what he did he thinks he can just tell me this and think that I'd be okay with it?

"What did you hope to gain by telling me this? That I would feel sorry for you, take pity on you? Forgive you? Come running back to you and pretend like nothing happened?" It's quiet on the other side for a few seconds.

"Justine I..."

"Save it," I interrupt, "I'm done being mad, I'm done worrying about you. Obviously there was something in you that thought it was okay to go on a date with one person while you're dating someone else." It falls silent again. "It doesn't matter anyway... Louis and I are dating now."

"You and... Louis? Dating?" He sounds shocked.

"Yes, because he's always been there for me... Even when I needed someone most, oh but you were too busy off somewhere with Ms.I-need-Liams-help." It falls silent once again.

"Are you there?" I ask quietly.

"I guess I've lost you for good now haven't I?" He croaks.

"Yeah, I guess you did."

"Louis's a lucky guy... I hope he knows that." I knew Liam loved me, I knew he wanted me, but I just can't ever trust him again after what he did.

"Yeah." I finally manage to choke out behind a few small tears. 'Im not going to cry.' I keep telling myself. "Should I have Louis call you when he's available?"

"Sure, that'd be great." He says. We say goodbye and I hang up the phone. Just then I hear the front door shut. I see Louis walk around the house and he comes to sit right next to me. I take his hand in mine, I open his fingers and place the phone in his hand.

"Liam called?" He asks, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, he wanted to wish you a happy birthday." I say looking down at my hands. He rests a hand on my back and rubs it in circles.

"You were on the phone a while... What else did he say?" He says in concern.

"He said some stuff, like... He missed me. He wanted me back. But I told him you and I are dating now, then he said he hopes you know how lucky you are." He pauses and soaks in the information. Then he slides his arms under mine and wraps them around my waist. He rests his chin on my shoulder and leaves a kiss on my jawline.

"I am a lucky guy, aren't I?" He chuckles. "Do you even know how special you are?" I begin to blush.

"Lately I've been beginning to question it." Just then he slides his arm under my legs and picks me up. He stands and spins me around. We both laugh as Louis looses his balance and falls to the ground. My back pressed to the grass as Louis hovered over me. He presses his forehead to mine and our noses touch.

"Don't ever question it," he whispers, "you are one of the best things that has ever happened to me." He leans down and kisses me again. We hear the back door slide open.

"Sorry I don't mean to interrupt, but supper is ready!" Says Lottie behind a suspicious grin. "A special meal for a certain special brother...." She winks and walks back inside. We both laugh as Louis helps me up and we follow after Lottie.

We all gather around the table and the food smells delicious. Seeing everyone around the table reminded me of what it really felt like to be a part of a family. I mean there is me and my mom. Occasionally my aunts, uncles, and cousins on holidays, but this was different. I actually feel like I belong somewhere.

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