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After what felt like an eternity, I was able to move out from the house that trapped my life. I finally got my scholarship to move to Korea and finish my studies for medical school. I packed my things and said my goodbyes to my family and friends. My best friend drove me to the airport, the whole ride trying to change my mind.

"No, I'm not passing this opportunity. I'm sorry." I told her looking through the car's window at the scenery I'd see for the last time, hopefully. She knew the hell I've been through in the past year.

I lost my parents in a car accident and all I could think about was that it was all my fault because I asked them to come pick me up from a stupid party that i didn't even enjoy to be a part of in the first place. The only relatives that I had at the moment were my grandparents, who didn't stand me. Every day was a living hell. Now I had the chance to do something about it and start anew.

"Look, I know you're still in pain, but you leaving won't change anything." She said, her eyes still on the road, not wanting to make eye contact.

"Please, just stop. I don't want to fight with you, right now." I told her, looking at her face with tears in my eyes. And so, the rest of the ride was quiet. Once we got to the airport, she stayed by my side until I got on the plane. I hugged her tight at the airport's entrance, trying to hold back my tears. It was hard to leave her after all the years we've been together, inseparable.

"I love you, you know that. I will call at leat once a week, so keep your phone off silent, please." I smiled at her, the tears in my eyes making everything blurry. She nodded and hugged me even tighter. "I... can't ... breathe." I told her, pulling away for air.

"Sorry. I'm just sad because I'm going to miss you so much." She said, looking down; a sob escaping her mouth.

"I know. Me too." I told her and hugged her one last time, then I made my way to the airport's gate.

I slept throughout the whole flight to Seoul. I was lucky that the person next to me was quiet while he watched the movie, with his earphones on. When the plane landed, I went to get my baggage and called a taxi to get me to my new home. The driver tried to make small talk, but I just kept the talking to a minimum, too emerged into my thoughts and too tired to pay attention to a stranger.

The car pulled into my new driveway to discharge my luggage. I paid the cabbie the money and looked around the lot, getting familiar with the place. I was satisfied that I could get a house in a small town, outside the city until I could adjust with the language properly.

It was getting dark outside and I thought to myself that I should start moving my things inside. As I unlocked the door and attempted to open it, I felt someone's gaze on the back of my head. I turned around to look at the small forest that was near my house, but I didn't see anything. I turned the door knob and went to pick up the boxes one by one. When I looked over my shoulder I saw a blonde guy standing behind me. I flinched and dropped the box on the hard ground.

"God, you scared me !" I said breathing heavily. I looked at the box on the ground, that said 'FRAGILE ', being scattered all over the place. "Damn it. My plates." I frowned.

"Hi. I'm sorry I scared you ... and about the plates." He smiled awkwardly. "I'm Baekhyun. I live next door. I thought you might need another hand with the boxes." He said as he picked up another box.

"Nice to meet you, Baekhyun. I'm Rei. And please be careful with that, those are my crystal glasses." I pointed out at the box he was holding.

'What a sweet guy'  I thought to myself, as I took another box and stepped through the door. I put the box in the living room and he followed my lead. But every time I stepped outside, I felt like somebody was watching me. 'I must be so tired that I'm hallucinating'  I told myself again. But now I was sure that I saw somebody in the woods. I squeezed my eyes, so I could see better through the darkness, but it disappeared in a blink of an eye. I shook my head and stepped back in the house, heading to the kitchen. 

I made some lemonade to show my appreciation to my kind neighbor. I got back to the living room and found Baekhyun sitting quietly on the couch, smiling at me when I came back with the drinks. I put the drink in front of him, on the coffee table. Then I took my glass too and drank half of the content to quench my thirst.

"Thank you for helping me." I said as he flashed me a cute rectangular smile followed by "It was my pleasure. If you ever need anything, just ring my doorbell." I nodded and smiled at him.

"So, what made you come to Seoul ?" he asked, turning his body so he could face me.

"I've got a scholarship here and I couldn't pass the opportunity to study in a foreign country." I answered him, putting my glass down on the table. "Is there anything I should know about this town?" I asked jokingly. As soon as I said that his smile faded.

"You'll see. Sooner or later." He said, voice dropping lower than before as he adverted his eyes to the floor.

When I was about to ask what he meant by that, his phone rang and he apologized and left. As I was unpacking my stuff, my mind kept thinking about his words. After I took a shower, laid on the bed and waited to fall asleep.

The next morning my alarm rang at 8 o'clock. I had to get ready for my first day in college. I couldn't wait. Since I was little, I wanted to become a doctor, but I didn't have enough money to keep myself in school.

After I put on a pair of jeans and a big white t-shirt with some red sneakers, I went to the bus station. As I waited for the bus, I noticed a purple haired guy staring at me. His gaze was so captivating that I caught myself staring back at him, feeling shivers going down my spine. I shook my head as the bus opened the doors in front of me, making me flinch.

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