I - 3

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I woke up still in the library, laying on a large table, with Jungkook leaning over me, lightly slapping my cheeks to wake me up. I shook my head gently and managed to sit up on the table, trying to ignore a major headache that resulted from the fall. 

"Are you ok?" Jungkook asked, taking my hand to help me get off the table. I took it and climbed off slowly.

"Please speak quieter." I whispered, cupping my face with my hands. The previous events came back to me, why I was on the table in the first place, and why my head hurt like hell. I fell on the chair next to me, tears running down my face. Jungkook noticed and took a seat next to me.

"The purple haired guy..." I whispered and Jungkook looked at me confused. I couldn't believe what was going on. 'Him and Aotaki? But she's with Jimin, right? Nothing makes sense. I have to find her and talk about this.' 

"You mean Taehyung?" He asked, placing his hand on my knee to comfort me. "Look, I know you're confused right now, but bare with me and get yourself together for now. Do you trust me?" He lifted my chin so I'd look him in the eyes. Even though I had just met him 3 days ago, there was something about him that made me trust him. I nodded hesitantly, wiping away the tears. It was the only way to find out the truth. "Good. Then come to the club tomorrow night and we'll explain everything." He said firmly then took my purse and started searching for something in it.

"What are you doing?" I started, looking at him confused. 

"Your phone. Give me your phone number so I can text you the details, silly. What do you think I'm doing?" He said, smiling lightly at me. I handed him my phone and he saved his number in my contact list. Then he returned it and grabbed my hand, guiding me to the exit. It was quite late and the campus was empty since it was 8:30 in the evening. 

"How long was I out?" I asked him surprised to see that only a couple of people were out. 

"Well, a lot apparently. Don't worry I told our teachers you were in the medical room, getting a check up. Do you want me to walk you home?" He asked and I just shrug my shoulders. "I guess that's a yes. Besides, you don't look too good." He added when he saw how silent I was. 

"You don't have to come with me. I'll be fine." I said but my body betrayed me as I tripped and almost fell if he hadn't caught my arm. He chuckled lightly as he added, "I can see that." 

We walked towards the bus station together but before we got there the bus went past us and we decided not to wait for the next one because it took too long and a good walk would be good for me after I was out for so long.

My home was only 5 stops away from the university. The cold air was refreshing and it helped me with my headache. I admit, I wasn't feeling too well. I felt like the world was spinning around me and I linked arms with him to support myself. He felt my cold hand and slid it into his jacket's pocket along with his. The silence surrounded us and it was nice but I couldn't help asking the questions that I had been on my mind.

"So, Kookie... How do you know the purple haired guy?" I asked him, looking down at my feet.

"Taehyung? Well, we know each other since high school. He was the one that stood up for me and helped me through the rough years of bullying." He said, looking in the distance. 'So he is actually a good guy.' I thought to myself as a smile started to form on my lips. "Well, actually, him and Jimin. They were best friends before I came along." He added, looking at me to make sure I was still listening to him. 

"And Aotaki?" I asked, looking back at him. 

"Aotaki became Jimin's girlfriend last year when she got transferred to this school. She and I have a... kind of a love/hate relationship. She can be a relatable friend and all but sometimes she is a real bitch." He laughed when he saw my surprised expression. "In a good way." He added, clearing his throat.

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