I - 21

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A/N: I wasn't going to update today but someone kept telling me I was a bad friend because I hadn't updated in a week. So here you go JiminieChanyTae ! 


"What did you just say?" I said after I cleared my throat, surprised by his statement.

"You heard me. I just can't stop thinking about what would've happened if he hadn't shown up." He gave me a suggestive smile as he ran his fork through the salad.

"Well, all you can do is think about it because it's not going to happen. Sorry." I snapped to reality, rejecting his advances. I had to at least try and work things out with Taehyung and besides, that stupid bond is gonna haunt me until I'll die.

"It's your loss." He shrugged and averted his gaze to the food. Wow, and I thought he wanted me. Jerk. I thought to myself as I shifted my gaze to where Taehyung was sitting, only to find that he wasn't there anymore. Jimin was eating alone and scrolling through his phone to keep himself busy from spying on Aotaki.

"I think I can live without sleeping with you." I smiled at him as I prepared myself to get up from the table. The nerve he had to say it to my face.

"I don't know about that..." He trailed off, not making eye contact. A shiver went through my body from the way he said the words so calmly and it made me feel nervous and slightly scared.

I smiled awkwardly at him as I turned around and speed walked through the canteen to the exit. As soon as I opened the door, I bumped into a tall man with a strong structure that made me bounce back a little. I looked up to see it was Chanyeol, frowning at me.

"Easy there. What's got you running?" He placed his hands on my arms to pull me back and focused on my eyes.

"N-nothing. It's nothing." I swallowed and shook my head. It could be him but I don't remember giving him my number, though. But I have this feeling around him. "Uhm, do you know where Baekhyun is?" I asked as soon as I pulled myself together and locked away those thoughts, for now.

"I think he's in his office. Why? What happened?" He furrowed his brows, confused as he let go of my arms.

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry." I lowered my head and walked away towards Baekhyun.

It was a matter of minutes that I spend walking through the halls and slipping through the crowds consisting of relatives who came to visit their loved ones and injured victims that were waiting in the emergency room before I found myself in front of Dr. Byun's office.

I knocked 3 times consecutively before I cracked open the door and announced my presence. I opened the door and there I found my boyfriend, lying on the patient's bed, unconscious with his shirt opened and Baekhyun was right next to him with a blood bag perfusion. I gasped and rushed to his side. He was pale and cold when I touched his hand. I felt my eyes sting and I knew why he was like that. I couldn't help but feel guilty. It was all my fault.

"What happened?" I tried to keep my voice from breaking.

"He came to me, said he's dizzy and weak and before I knew it he collapsed on the floor. He needs blood." Baekhyun said in a professional manner. "Like, a lot more than I can provide him with."

When he was about to penetrate the needle through his skin, he stopped and looked at me. It was then that I looked at his face and saw how broken he looked. I remembered what Jungkook told me about the Sire-kindred bond and the tears that flooded my eyes finally ran down my cheeks.

"I'm so sorry." My voice cracked before it turned into a whisper.

"Yeah, me too. This won't do, though. He needs something more powerful." He looked at the items in his hands before he looked me in the eyes.

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