I - 24

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As soon as I got home, I started getting ready for the big night. I showered, shaved and made sure every inch of my body was prepared to be touched by his smooth hands. The only problem was: What was I going to wear? I opened my closet's door in only my towel as I looked over in hopes that something might catch my eye and possibly match the situation.

To TaeTae:

When do you think you'll finish your work?

I quickly texted and placed my phone on the bed as I stepped closer to the closet to search my lacy red panties and assorted bra. It didn't take long to find them as the bright color caught my eye quickly. Just as I took them out and placed them on the bed to wear them, the phone vibrated and lightened up, noticing me of the unread text.

From TaeTae:

Be ready in 30 minutes. And wear something pretty.

I smiled at the text and sent him a quick Okay before I placed the phone down and continued with my dress up.

After I put on my pretty bra and panties, I went back to search for my new and expensive dress that my best friend bought me back home. It was a short black dress, strapless but simple that went perfectly with my nude high heels.

My makeup wasn't anything too flashy, mainly because I felt like it covered up my natural beauty, and Taehyung said he didn't like the fact that kissing me tasted like foundation and lipstick. But tonight was special. I applied my makeup in record time and as soon as I was done, I looked over at my phone to check the clock. 10:00pm. He should be here any minute now. I kept saying while walking nervously from side to side.

A knock on the door startled me and I jumped to take my purse, checking myself in the mirror one last time before I answered the door. My curly hair fell perfectly over my shoulder, covering the bra's straps, keeping it a surprise for later.

"Hello, princess." He winked as he took a step forward to kiss my cheek gently.

"Hi." I said, feeling shy all of the sudden.

"You look gorgeous." He whispered, pulling away to place a quick peck on my lips. "Come on. We're running late." He took my hand to guide me out of the apartment.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I closed the door behind me.

"You'll see when we get there." He intertwined our fingers as we walked towards the elevator.

He pushed the button to open the doors and we quickly got to the main floor. The air outside was warm and perfect for a walk through the neighborhood but I couldn't help but wonder where he was going to take me. My question was answered when we arrived in front of a dimly lighted park. In the middle of it was a pillar of a bright neon light, enlightening the carefully arranged blanket with light foods and a bottle of wine placed on it. I looked at Taehyung who was smiling at me and he tugged my hand towards our picnic spot.

"You did this?" I gasped, a smile slowly forming on my lips.

"Only for my girl." He pecked my cheek before he helped me sit down on my knees because the dress wasn't allowing other position.

We enjoyed each other's company, talking about little nothings as time went on, slowly approaching midnight. By the time we got up and made our way back to his house, the streets were almost empty and the atmosphere was so romantic. He took a hold of my hand, interlacing our fingers as we took small steps on our return, rubbing his thumb on the back of my hand every so often.

Once we arrived in front of the mansion, he turned me around in his arms, gazing into my eyes as he slowly leaned in placing his lips onto mine. My heart rate increased as we moved closer to the door, his back leaning on it as his right hand searched for the knob, turning it and opening the door. I broke the kiss to take a deep breath, closing my eyes and praying in my mind that everything went as perfectly as I had planned it.

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