I - 16

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A/N: Hi guys, I just found out that my book made it up to 1K views and I'm quite surprised because I wasn't expecting people to actually read it. Thank you!


I made my way to their table and they were already waiting for us with our drinks. Tae got me a cappuccino and Jimin got her a cup of hot chocolate. I rubbed Taehyung's back as I passed by him to take the seat next to him and he leaned towards me to peck my cheek. How am I suppose to tell him to stop doing those sweet things when he just started showing them?

"Hi, babe. When will you be getting home tonight?" He asked, holding my hand and bringing it to his lips to peck it.

"I don't know. Why?" I asked him, looking at our hands.

"Our hyungs are coming to visit us." He said. I took a sip of my drink, avoiding his gaze. "Hey, are you okay?" He asked, concerned, lifting my chin with his free hand. I nodded and smiled slightly, turning my gaze to Aotaki.

She was laughing at Jungkook's reaction when Jimin tried to kiss him and the maknae made a disgusted face mumbling an Ew. I chuckled and turned to face my boyfriend.

"I have some things to do after courses and then I'll come home." I said and pecked his cheek. He smiled and nodded.

"Kook-ah, when do you finish your classes?" He asked, pointing at him.

"In about an hour. Why?" Jungkook raised his brows.

"Someone has to help me with the drinks. Meet me at the club after you finish." He said as he stood up from the bench, dragging me with him.

I looked at him confused as I followed his lead. We got out of the library and into the bathroom where I first found him and Aotaki. He let go of my hand, asking:

"Where were you this morning?" His eyes darkened.

"What?" I asked, with wide eyes.

"You heard me. Where were you?" He pressed on every word.

"I was with Aotaki. We went looking for something." I said, avoiding his eyes. My heart was pounding in my chest, knowing I was lying to him. He tilted his head to the right, smiling slightly.

"I don't like it when you lie to me." He said, coming closer with his hand raised to grab one of the strands of my hair and tuck it behind my ear.

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath and opened them again, speaking, "I'm not lying."

"You just did it again. I just want to know why." He said, looking into my eyes, making my heart pound and I felt my mind twisting again as I knew he was doing it again.

"I thought you promised to never do it again." I struggled to get the words out as my mind was thinking of bursting out what he was looking forward to hearing.

"If you'd tell me willingly, I wouldn't have to use it. Now tell me!" He hissed, pressing onto each word carefully. I tried to keep my mouth shut while thinking of a way to stop him from controlling my mind again. I took a step closer to him, my eyes sparkling with the tears that were slowly forming as I struggled to not let him into my head. I took his hand in mine.

"Please, Tae. Stop." I begged and squeezed his hand slightly to try and get him out of his focus. I looked up at him to see him frowning and I tried to kiss him but it didn't work this time as he pulled away from me.

"Not this time. If you don't tell me, I don't know what I might do." He threatened. "I love you but lying is something I can't stand." He walked back towards me as a tear slipped from my eye, down onto my cheek, leaving a wet trail behind it.

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