II - 0

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Warning! Point of View changed to 3rd person!


Three months have passed since Queen CL had captured Chanyeol, locking him away into her personal jail where she made sure no one could ever escape from, and since everything returned to normal. Well, as normal as it could get, given the fact that Jungkook was still deprived of his sanity and Aotaki has retreated into her apartment ever since Rei moved out to live with Taehyung and the maknae.

She refused to talk to any of them, saying that she couldn't face the others after everything she's done. It was understandable but foolish of her to go through the transformation alone when her best friends could've helped her but it was her choice nonetheless. None of them could've forced her into accepting help when she hadn't yet realized how much she needed it.

Jimin has moved out of the house and went to live with Yoongi and the other hyungs, and be his right hand in the business, the perfect opportunity to take a break from the events that got him close to depression. He still talked to Taehyung and still asked about Jungkook's state, even though he clearly knew what the answer would be but he hoped for the best and that one day Taehyung would say We got him back but that day was still to come. Jimin would still visit once a month to get the income from Taehyung's club but never stayed more than needed.

It was a miracle that he was able to smile again after a month of being quiet and refusing to leave his room for anything except the bathroom. Refusing to eat even when Taehyung would bring the food to his bed and ignoring everyone else until Yoongi had a talk with him one night when his cries got loud enough to break Yoongi's heart and everyone else's. Ever since that night, Jimin has been following Yoongi around, asking for advice and help when he needed someone because he knew he couldn't ask Taehyung anymore, seeing how broken his best friend was with Kookie crying almost every night unless Rei was there to cuddle him to sleep.

The text message Rei has gotten proved to be nothing but empty threats because for the past three months nothing followed and she breathed relieved that at least that was out of the way. She had a lot to deal with, trying to please Jungkook by acting to be his girlfriend in front of Taehyung which was eating her alive because he didn't deserve this, and doing her best to get in touch with Aotaki but seeing as the school year was over and it was now summer she locked herself inside her apartment right after the graduation.

As for Taehyung, he has been losing a lot of weight as a result of the sleepless nights and skipped meals as he was searching through the huge maze of books that were sleeping in his basement, all containing supernatural content. He searched every book, hoping to find a remedy for Jungkook's mental instability but it was hopeless. Yet, he couldn't sit back and watch his maknae suffer while waiting for his sister to find the cure.

"Babe, it's getting late. Come to bed." Rei spoke softly from the library's doorway, sleep washing over her as she muffled a yawn but Taehyung barely looked up from his books.

"Give me a minute. I think I might be on to something." He raised his index, furrowing his brows.

"That's what you said last night as well. Tae, you can't just lock yourself in here." She approached him from behind, placing her hands on his shoulders to massage him gently. "Queen CL said she's taking care of it. I think it's for the best to-" She started but Taehyung slammed the book on the table and glared at her, his eyes flashing red in fury.

Rei never saw him in that state. In fact, she never saw any vampire as mad as Taehyung was in that moment and the shivers that went down her spine made her froze in her spot as she gulped audibly.

"Don't even think to tell me to leave it on her." He growled as he faced her and the whimper that escaped Rei's mouth as tears started to glisten her eyes made Taehyung take a step back, the red in his eyes dying down as his features softened. "I-I..." He trailed off, not knowing what to do or say. He wanted to apologize but the words just wouldn't come out.

Rei rushed out of the library with her hand across her mouth and she tried not to sob too loud as she locked herself inside their bedroom, letting the tears fall. The soft knock on the door caught her attention and she bit her lip harshly in order to stop the sob that wanted to disturb the silence.

"Princess, open the door. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you. Just... please open the door." Taehyung said against the door, sighing in frustration.

Rei knew she couldn't blame him for the way he reacted but it still took her by surprise. She knew how sensible Taehyung was when it came to Jungkook and knew how he wanted to do anything in his power to ease his pain and bring him back.

The silent click of the lock was heard and the door cracked open for Taehyung to push and step inside with his head hung low. Rei was back on the bed, hugging her knees with her head resting on her kneecaps. He made his way towards the bed, crawling next to her.

"Baby, I'm sorry. Look at me." Taehyung's soft voice made her raise her head to show off her puffy eyes and flushed face from trying to keep in the sobs. "Come here." He extended his arms for Rei to crawl between them and place her head on his chest as he hugged her tight. "I'm so sorry. Please, don't cry anymore. I'm so stupid." He kissed the top of her head, rocking them from side to side. "I'll slow down my research. Let's sleep, for now, okay?" He cocked his head to the side to look at her face and she nodded slowly as they both slid down on the bed and pulled the covers over their bodies, falling asleep in each other's arms. Taehyung's phone rang shortly, signaling a text message but they both ignored it in favor of sleep.

Queen Noona:

Come by my office as soon as you can. It's about Jungkook.

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