I - 10

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The night went by so fast and the drug in my body seemed to last a lot longer than last time I fed on him because it was 2 in the afternoon and all I could remember was going over to the couch where Taehyung sat on.

It was amazing how the red salty liquid that courses through our body could make one so light headed and drugged, although it wasn't quite usual because it came from a supernatural being. Come to think of it, they weren't vampires since they could walk in daylight and from what I saw garlic wasn't a problem for them since they order it extra on pizza. I did prefer the word kindred more because it translated as family or blood-related which it was exactly what they were. They were embraced by others who drained them out until their bodies ceased to move while the maker's own blood was in the victim's system before they died. And the kindred who turned the other became his Sire. Their relationship was one that could not be broken no matter how hard anyone tried. Whenever they were in the vicinity of their child, they could feel the other's emotions and their kindred could never disobey them.

I found out about all of that while I was in my state of euphoria. Taehyung told me a story of how he became a vampire, probably thinking I was dead asleep but I could still hear his words even though my body was pretty much unconscious, my  mind was awake. Although he never told me the name of his Sire. I wondered why.

To my surprise, I woke up alone, in my bed. I guess he had to carry me from the couch. I got up and went to the bathroom since I felt like my bladder was gonna explode and passing by the mirror I noticed that there were no marks on my neck from the night before. How can this be? The other ones lasted almost a week and those ones disappeared in 12 hours. I brushed my fingers over the skin of my neck and I didn't feel anything. Usually, it hurt like a bruise but that time, nothing.

After I took a shower and got dressed for the day in my sweatpants and a hoodie as it was Saturday and I had nowhere to be. I planned on being lazy and watch tv all day while I reflected on what happened to my once normal life in a foreign country. Something kept on bothering me, though.

If Taehyung really wanted to be with me then why didn't he ask me on a date or try to befriend me like a normal guy would? But then, again, he wasn't normal. After thinking about it for a while I decided to test him and find out what his plans with me were by going to the club that night. To his club, to be more specific, and have some fun. The least I could do to keep my life as normal as possible was what a normal student would do and that was: get drunk and pick up some hot guys. Or wait to be picked up by hormonal hot guys.


I was on my way to the club, the clock on my phone's screen reading 10 PM. I stepped out of the cab, dressed in a black mini skirt and strapless top, covered by a white leather jacket. My heels attracted a lot of attention with the sound they were making but that was what I wanted anyways.

The door opened and the loud music was blasting through the smoky atmosphere, the smell of alcohol was strong in the air combined with the smoke from the cigars.

I made my way to the bar and as I ordered a cocktail, I took off my jacket and placed it on the vacant seat beside me. I scanned the room while waiting for my drink but nothing seemed to be interesting me. I returned to the bar counter and waited for my drink.

"Hi there." A pink haired guy said in a flirtatious tone. Wow, he's hot.

"Hello." I replied, running my hand through my hair.

"How come a girl like you is all alone at the bar?" He asked, smiling. "I'm Sungmin, by the way." He took my hand in his, raising it to his mouth to peck it.

"Nice to meet you, Sungmin. I'm Rei." I introduced myself, giggling at his action.

"Can I buy you a drink?"

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