I - 26

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"Save it. I don't wanna hear anything related to him." She growled silently, standing up from the couch.

"Why are you like this?" I snapped, pushing her down again. "You won't even hear us out?"

She sighed loudly and turned her head to look at me straight in the eyes. "I am like this because he made me like this. You wouldn't know how it feels to be heart broken since your relationship is so perfect. Making out everywhere at any time, forgetting Chanyeol's warnings." She huffed, shaking her head.

"Because Chanyeol's warnings are bullshit and so is the Camarilla Order." Taehyung snapped. "Listen here, missy, I've known you for 5 years and I've always been there for you. You owe me this." He glared at her.

"Fine. Talk." She deadpanned.

"Jimin didn't cheat on you. He was drugged by that bartender. She is gone now, so stop bitching about it and make up with him, would you? He's been miserable ever since you left. " Taehyung said with disgust clear in his voice.

"I don't believe you. Channy wouldn't lie to me about this." She denied.

"Channy? I'm sure he wouldn't try to break you two up just to have you all for himself." He said sarcastically as she glared at him.

"He wouldn't do that. He knows how much Jimin means... meant to me." She laughed nervously.

"But that's just it. He's obsessed with you. And not in a good way. Why would I be lying to you?!" Taehyung tried to reason with her only to be shut down again.

"Because you don't want Channy wandering around us to see you two fucking around all the time, perhaps." She smirked.

"That's it. You know what? Do whatever the hell you want. I tried to help, it didn't work. I'm out of here." I snapped, getting up with Taehyung following behind.

"What did he do to you?" Taehyung muttered, shaking his head at her before he followed me.

Just as I was about to open the door, a knock made me freeze, looking back at Aotaki who was just smirking. I hesitantly turned the knob and the door was swung open by the only person I didn't want to be there. I looked at Taehyung who froze in his place at the sight.

"Welcome home, Channy." Aotaki cheered, running to hug him.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the two people I didn't want together." Chanyeol whistled as he eyed us from head to toe.

"You said he wouldn't be here." I glared at her.

"I said he wouldn't be here when you'll come home. I didn't say anything about later." She said amused as her new  boyfriend kissed her cheek.

"Thanks for texting me, babe." Chanyeol leaned down to kiss her, making me gag as I turned around to face Taehyung.

"You told him?! What the hell, Aotaki?" The redhead shouted, interrupting their kiss. She moved Chanyeol to her side so she could glare at Taehyung before she approached him slowly.

"You gave me no choice. I couldn't stand seeing you so happy together when I couldn't even get out of bed." Her eyes were glistening as tears were starting to form.

"So you sold us out because the rest of us were happy?" Taehyung asked with disgust in his voice. "I thought we were friends." He took my hand, shaking his head as we headed towards the door.

"I'm coming for you!" Chanyeol threatened. "You broke the rules and now you have to pay for your stubbornness." He continued but we were already out of the door when he shouted the last sentence.

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