II - 9

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The next couple of days were full of stress and worries, pulling all-nighters in order to be by Jungkook's side at all times. With each passing day, they were all starting to feel more nervous about his awakening, afraid he might stay like that forever.

Taehyung was doing everything in his power to help with the progress, talking to the younger in his sleep in hopes that his voice might be what he needs to come back to reality, and watching their favorite animes and laughing between short nudges of his shoulder, "Did you see that?" But his smile would slowly fade at seeing his best friend lying still, his chest raising and falling in even patterns.

Rei spent all the time trying to talk to him and tell him funny stories she remembered from when they had classes together and their group mates did something to attract the attention of the whole class. Although she was somehow nervous to face him after what happened, the thought of having her best friend back was making her heart skip a beat.

Seokjin had to join Yoongi and Namjoon back to Daegu to attend to some business meetings even though he would've much rather preferred to be there when the maknae would wake up but they knew it was useless to hang around when he had the others next to him and they couldn't neglect their work for something so minor that it can't be helped by any of them. Aotaki spent most of her time between her empty apartment and the Queen's office, talking about her trip to Japan and reporting to CL all the information she found while looking through the museums and libraries.

Thankfully for Rei, it happened on Jimin's watch. He wanted to stay by Jungkook's side through it all because he cared for the maknae more than anyone else. He got so attached to him throughout the years, the younger reminding Jimin of the little brother he rarely gets to see since he got a scholarship in America at the most respected law school where it was next to impossible to get in on your own.

As his mind was reminiscing the old times when he used to hang out with his little brother when he felt a light squeeze on his right hand that was gently caressing Jungkook's, startling the older.

"Jungkook? Are you awake?" Jimin jumped, leaning forward to check on the younger. The raven haired maknae hummed weakly as he furrowed his brows, scrunching up his face in discomfort. "Do you need anything? Water or blood?"

He rushed to the small coffee table that was next to the window to pour some water from a bottle into the glass placed on the metallic tray. As he held the glass with one hand, the other tried to help Jungkook lean up and get into a position that would allow him to drink the liquid without choking.

He chugged the water without even breathing while Jimin rubbed his back gently. His throat felt like sandpaper and the cool beverage washed away the discomfort with every gulp, allowing him to speak properly.

"W-what happened?" He asked, looking around the room confused but coming back to reality slowly.

"It's okay. You were just sleeping." Jimin reassured the younger, reaching for his phone to send a quick update to the others, notifying them of Jungkook's state. "Do you need anything?"

The question was simple and the answer was simpler. A yes or no response. But he was too distracted by his own questions that kept wondering around in his head, to pay attention to Jimin's words. It took him a moment to register that someone was talking to him.

"Uhm, no. Not right now." He sat upright on the bed, his feet dangling from the side as he rubbed his eyes. "How... How long have I been sleeping?" Jungkook asked, running a hand through his hair.

"For a while." Jimin avoided answering his question properly. He didn't know if he should tell him anything yet. He was afraid that whatever information about his past he might find out might mess with him and produce some psychological damage.

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