I - 25

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"What took you so long to answer?" I hissed, as I walked back and forth across the room, once the ringing stopped and a deaf sound filled the phone's speaker.

"I was busy. And I still am. What do you want?" Her panting voice spoke up. I hope she's not doing what I think she is! I sighed.

"I'm coming home tonight. The place better be safe when I'll get back." I implied and a nudge from Taehyung made me continue, "Oh, and I'm bringing Taehyung with me."

"Yeah, whatever. Bye." She hung up, leaving me with my mouth open to bid my goodbye as well but never got the chance.

I stared blankly at my phone as the screen went black and Taehyung looked at me with questioning eyes and I shook my head in disgrace. Ever since she saw Jimin with that bartender, she shut everyone out of her life, except, well, Chanyeol. Who else? I understood that she used him as a distraction from the world but she just took it too far.

"She hung up on me." I said as I sat back on the bed, staring at the wall.

"I'm sorry, baby. I know how close you two were." He crawled behind me to place his legs on each side of my body, pulling me back against his chest.

"Yeah... were." I sighed as I leaned back, enjoying the warmth of the body pressed against mine. "We can't go now, though. I think Chanyeol is still there."

"Why does that not surprise me." He pressed a warm peck on my cheek. "You can come with me to work today if you want." He added more cheerfully.

"Sure." I nodded and tilted my head to place a sweet kiss on his lips.

"Great." He said in a low and deep voice as he placed his right hand on my cheek, keeping me still as he leaned in again for another kiss.

"We have to get ready." I tried to speak through the multiple pecks.

"5 more minutes." He kissed the back of my neck, making a shiver run down my spine.

"You have a lot of paperwork and it's already late." I chuckled at the tickling feeling.

"Not anymore."

"What do you mean?" I frowned, confused.

"My new secretary is going to help me. I heard she's good at what she does." He mumbled against my skin. Wait. She?!

"She...?" I pulled away from his lips and turned around to see him smirking at me.

"Yeah, why? Is there a problem?" He tilted his head cutely.

"No. Of course not." I shook my head to make my point. It  wasn't like he was gonna be around her the whole day. What could happen?

"Right." He teased, trying to hold in his laughter by biting his lip. "Kiss me." He pursed his lips.

"No. Isn't your new secretary's job to do that? Kiss her..." I crawled off the bed, heading towards the bathroom door.

"Alright then." He stood up from the bed, straightening his clothes, making a move towards the door. The next thing I knew was that I was hovering over him on our bed, growling silently.

"Do that and she'll be bald the next time you see her." I glared at him and in that moment, he burst out laughing.

"You're so cute when you're jealous, babe." He cooed, swirling his arms around my waist to hug me, making me whine.

"Let's just go. I want to meet her just in case." I said as soon as I broke free from his breathtaking embrace and he chuckled behind me.

"Oh, you're gonna be so surprised." He nodded, taking my hand as we walked out of the bedroom and soon out of the house in the warm breeze of October.

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